
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15



Tips ‘n’ Tricks


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constants group AccessibleTableModelChangeType
Type of a change made to a table model.

The value of this constants group are used by the AccessibleTableModelChange structure to specifiy the type of change that has been made to a table model.

Two of the constants, AccessibleTableModelChangeType::INSERT and AccessibleTableModelChangeType::DELETE describe changes to the table's geometry. One or more rows and/or columns have been inserted or deleted. In constrast, the remaining constant AccessibleTabelModelChangeType::UPDATE specifies a change of the table's content.

OOo 1.1.2

INSERT One or more rows and/or columns have been inserted.  
DELETE One or more rows and/or columns have been deleted.  
UPDATE Some of the table data has changed.  
Constants' Details
const short INSERT = 1;
One or more rows and/or columns have been inserted.

Use the fields of the AccessibleTableModelChange structure to determine the indices of the rows and/or columns that have been inserted.

const short DELETE = 2;
One or more rows and/or columns have been deleted.

The affected area of the table is stored in the fields of the AccessibleTableModelChange structure.

const short UPDATE = 3;
Some of the table data has changed.

The number of rows and columns remains unchanged. Only (some of) the content of the cells in the range that is specified by the fields of the AccessibleTableModelChange structure have been changed.

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