capsulate a type detection service and provide read/write access on it's configuration data.
It's possible to make a "flat" detection wich may use internal configuration
data only - or a "deep" detection which use special ExtendedTypeDetection
services to look into the document stream. Last mode can be supressed to perform the operation.
Of course the results can't be guaranteed then. (e.g. in case the extension was changed)
can be used to make a flat or deep type detection.
Use this interface to get information about the type of the given resource.
Return value will be always an internal name of a registered document type.
It can be used may on other services (e.g. ::com::sun::star::frame::FrameLoaderFactory)
to do further things, which base on it (e.g. to load it into a frame).
provides read access to the complete set of type configuration data.
Every container item is specified as a set of properties and will be
represented by a sequence< PropertyValue > structure.
Follow properties are supported:
(But note: not all of them must be present everytimes!)
Property Name
Value Type
The internal name is the only value, which makes a container item unique.
It contains the localized name for this type for the current locale.
[sequence< string >]
It contains all available localized names for this type. The are organized
in pairs and represented as a structure of sequence< PropertyValue >.
The name of such property must be interpreted as locale; it's value as the localized
type name corresponding to this locale.
It contains the MIME or content type descriptor. The differences between a MIME type and
an internal type name was made, to resolve existing ambigities.
It was interepreted as an identifier inside clipboard.
Please use new property ContentFormat instead of this now.
It's and identifier, which is used for a deep format detection.
An ExtendedTypeDetection use this value to match
a given content to this type. e.g. It's interpreted as the doc type
of an XML stream or as an identifier inside a file header.
[sequence< string >]
This list contains different URL patterns, which identify this type.
E.g. data base contents can be described by an new defined protocol like "sql://select*".
In combination with a sutable ::com::sun::star::frame::FrameLoader or
ImportFilter/ExportFilter it woul be possible then, to
layout a sql query output into an office frame.
[sequence< string >]
It contains a list of file extensions, which match this type.
They must be specified as pure extension, without any special signs.
E.g.: "doc", "html" ... but not ".doc".
Using of wildcards is allowed but not very usefull. The may resulting
ambigities with other type registrations can't be resolved anytimes.
It's an ID, which present the number of a corresponding icon.
All elements of this container will be adressed by his internal name,
and it must be an unambigous value.
Because the complexness of such configuration set can be very high,
it seams not very usefull to update the undelying configuration layer
on every container change request immediatly. Another strategy can be to
make all changes (adding/changing/removing of items) and call flush at the end.
That will validate the whole container and reject inconsistent data sets.
Only in case all made changes was correct, they will be written back to the
configuration. Further this interface provides the possibelity, that interested
changes listener can be registered too.