2.0 builds for Mac OS X Intel (X11)
$Date: 2006/09/09 09:44:12 $
Please go to the new download page, if you are not redirected automatically
- The builds provided here are for Intel based Macs. They won't run on PowePC based Macs. Downloads for PowerPC based Macs are here.
- The most up to date version of 2.0.x series is 2.0.3 for MacOS X Intel in English (US), French and German - The builds use X11. X11 is provided by Apple or XDarwin.
- The 2.0.x release runs on Mac OS X 10.4.x and higher operating systems. It requires additional software to run, such as Apple's X11 ( not included in the diskimage). Everyone is invited to join the project and lend a hand!
- If you have difficulties installing, please take a look at our Installation How-To.
It's available in the following languages: English(translated from french : Loic Geslin), German (translation Uwe Altmann) and French (original document) - If you're having trouble downloading make sure you read our Download troubles section on our support site
Choose a language and the mirror site closest to you. A click should start the download of the dmg installation file.
Please check the md5sum after downloading.
Size: 124M
$Id: 2.0.x-intel.html,v 1.12 2006/09/09 09:44:12 smsm1 Exp $