Notes taken during Town Hall (Friday 15:30)
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impressions, pictures you've taken, ...
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Still Water <drinks were good>
Rooms too warm
Better to have hacker room closer to the session rooms
More time (sessions and breaks)
Three tracks too many (some said too few)
Need to balance 'important' sessions with less important ones (SDK against XML in same timeslot)
Good sessions mix
Consider two full days instead of 1.5...(with 1 day for special meetings)
Party was important, no pressure to rush
Attendee list would be good
Color-coded badges
Bigger list of hotels with URLs / booking sites
Audio recordings or transcripts / video (Claus promises this in Flash...with multilanguages)
More contact points between Sun engineers (not just release engineers)
Price: low entry fee is good for TCO
Better internet connections...wireless is good...just make it easy to get to
Bloggers & real time photos would be good
3rd party SDK
Workshop character...not such a lecture format
Developer to hack some specific box
More cushy chairs
Coffee (not Java)
More notice on program details (so you can plan)...longer deadlines also
Tutorials for end users...may be problem to attract users at developer-focused conference
CeBIT as a platform for advertising this conference
Question of whether CeBIT is a good anchor
Tie to a 'teach-in' in the community
Tie to a different Open Source conference (LinuxTAG for instance) 15K attendees focused on developers...could pre-pend or append.
Registration trouble...had to be persistent due to domain name resolution problem...confirmation would have been nice
Larger Schedules in the hallways