The Free and Open Productivity Suite
:: com :: sun :: star :: smarttags ::
unpublished |
interface XSmartTagRecognizer |
- Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization
::com::sun::star::lang::XInitialization |
- (referenced interface's summary:)
- initializes an object directly after its creation.
- Usage Restrictions
- not published
- Description
- provides access to a smart tag recognizer.
- Since
- OOo 2.3
Methods' Summary |
getName |
obtains a name that describes this recognizer component.
getDescription |
obtains a detailed description of this recognizer component.
getSmartTagName |
obtains the name of one specific smart tag type supported by
this recognizer component.
getSmartTagDownloadURL |
obtains the URL that can be used to download new or updated
recognize |
recognizes smart tags.
hasPropertyPage |
indicates whether there is a property page for a smart tag type.
displayPropertyPage |
launches the property page for a smart tag type.
Attributes' Summary |
SmartTagCount |
The number of smart tag types supported by this recognizer
Methods' Details |
string |
getName( |
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale |
aLocale ); |
- Description
- obtains a name that describes this recognizer component.
- Parameter aLocale
- Is used for localization of the name.
- Returns
- the name of the recognizer component.
string |
getDescription( |
[in] ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale |
aLocale ); |
- Description
- obtains a detailed description of this recognizer component.
- Parameter aLocale
- Is used for localization of the description.
- Returns
- the description of the recognizer component.
- Description
- obtains the name of one specific smart tag type supported by
this recognizer component.
- Parameter nSmartTagIndex
- Index of the wanted smart tag type. Value needs to be
between 0 and the number of smarttags available
- Returns
- the unique name of the smart tag type. Smart tag type
names are always in the format of namespaceURI#tagname.
- Throws
- com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException
if nSmartTagIndex is greater than SmartTagCount
- Description
- obtains the URL that can be used to download new or updated
- Parameter nSmartTagIndex
- Index of the wanted smart tag type. Value needs to be
between 0 and the number of smarttags available
- Returns
- the download URL.
- Throws
- com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException
if nSmartTagIndex is greater than SmartTagCount
- Description
- recognizes smart tags.
- Parameter aText
- The text that should be scanned by the recognizer. aText
is UFT16 encoded.
- Parameter nStart
- Denotes the start position of the region to scan.
- Parameter nLength
- Denotes the length of the text to scan.
- Parameter eDataType
- This value indicates the type of the passed text.
- Parameter aLocale
- Is used to indicate the language of the passed text.
- Parameter xTextMarkup
- This object is used to submit any recognized smart tags
to the calling application.
- Parameter aApplicationName
- A string containing the name of the calling application.
- Parameter xController
- The current controller of the document.
- Parameter xTokenizer
- This can be used to tokenize the string to recognize.
- Description
- indicates whether there is a property page for a smart tag type.
- Parameter nSmartTagIndex
- Index of the wanted smart tag type. Value needs to be
between 0 and the number of smarttags available
- Parameter aLocale
- Is used for localization of the property page.
- Returns
- true if there is a property page matching the requested
smart tag type and locale.
- Throws
- com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException
if nSmartTagIndex is greater than SmartTagCount
- Description
- launches the property page for a smart tag type.
- Parameter nSmartTagIndex
- Index of the wanted smart tag type. Value needs to be
between 0 and the number of smarttags available
- Parameter aLocale
- Is used for localization of the property page.
- Throws
- com::sun::star::lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException
if nSmartTagIndex is greater than SmartTagCount
Attributes' Details |
[ readonly ] long SmartTagCount;
- Description
- The number of smart tag types supported by this recognizer
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