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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

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module accessibility

Nested Modules
Accessible Every class has to support this service in order to be accessible.
AccessibleAction This service provides access to all the actions that an accessible object supports.
AccessibleContext Central service of the Accessibility API that gives access to various facets of an object's content.
AccessibleEditableText Support this service to give read and write access to text.
AccessibleHyperlink Support this service to represent a group of hyperlinks.
AccessibleHypertext Support this service to allow access to a hypertext document.
AccessibleTable All two-dimensional tables should support this service.
AccessibleText Every class that represents text should support this service.
AccessibleValue Support this service to represent single numerical values.
XAccessible This interface has to be implemented by any class that wants to be accessible.
XAccessibleAction Implement this interface to give access to actions that can be executed for accessible objects.
XAccessibleComponent The XAccessibleComponent interface should be supported by any class that can be rendered on the screen.
XAccessibleContext Implement this interface for exposing various aspects of a class' content.
XAccessibleEditableText Implement this interface to give read and write access to a text representation.
XAccessibleEventBroadcaster makes it possible to register listeners which are called whenever an accessibility event (see AccessibleEventObject ) occurs.
XAccessibleEventListener makes it possible to register a component as a listener, which is called whenever an accessibility event occurs.
XAccessibleExtendedComponent The ::AccessibleExtendedComponent interface contains additional methods to those of the ::AccessibleComponent interface. These methods provide more seldom used information. The division into two interfaces allows classes to support the more frequently used methods of the ::AccessibleComponent interface and only support the ::AccessibleExtendedComponent interface if that makes sense for the class.
XAccessibleHyperlink Implement this interface to represent a hyperlink or a group of hyperlinks.
XAccessibleHypertext Implement this interface to expose the hypertext structure of a document.
XAccessibleImage Implement this interface to represent images and icons.
XAccessibleKeyBinding This interface can be used to represent any number of key bindings which then can be associated to a certain action.
XAccessibleRelationSet Implement this interface to give access to an object's set of relations.
XAccessibleSelection Implement this interface to represent a selection of accessible objects.
XAccessibleStateSet Implement this interface to represent a set of states.
XAccessibleTable Implement this interface to give access to a two-dimensional table.
XAccessibleText Implement this interface to give read-only access to a text.
XAccessibleValue Implement this interface to give access to a single numerical value.
AccessibleEventObject this struct describes an accessible event, that is broadcasted from the XAccessibleEventBroadcaster and notified to XAccessibleEventListener . It is usualy implemented by AccessibleContext .
AccessibleRelation An AccessibleRelation object defines a one-to-many relation.
AccessibleTableModelChange This structure lets an event give access to a change of a table model.
IllegalAccessibleComponentStateException Indicates invalid or unavailable state information.
IllegalComponentStateException Indicates invalid or unavailable state information.
AccessiblePropertyId [ DEPRECATED ]
Constant Groups
AccessibleEventId These constants identify the type of AccessibleEventObject objects.
AccessibleRelationType Collection of relation types.
AccessibleRole Collection of roles.
AccessibleStateType Collection of state types.
AccessibleTableModelChangeType Type of a change made to a table model. @descr
AccessibleTextType Collection of types of text portions.
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