
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

Abstracts of Conference Papers - Keynote

Open Source and Government of the Republic of Slovenia

mag. Jože Zrimšek - generalni direktor Direktorata za informacijsko družbo na Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

Although the roots of open-source and free software reach back to the very start of the development of computer products, it is only recently that, together with the related business models, it has become increasingly prominent and competitive with proprietary software. Open-source software is not just transitional in nature. The state administration of the Republic of Slovenia has been aware of its existence and importance for at least a number of years. The administration has been diligently using it, particularly in the area of servers and network support systems, since at least the mid-90s, a period in which the need for such solutions, the rising number of users and the ongoing rationalisation of operations. To support open-source software the state administration of the Republic of Slovenia has invested in a lot of OSS projects.

Biography: Mag. Jože Zrimšek je leta 1991 končal Fakulteto za elektrotehniko in računalništvo v Ljubljani, smer elektronika, leta 1996 pa je končal magisterski študij s področja telekomunikacij. Pri magistrskem študiju se je v okviru projekta Tempus izpopolnjeval na Univerzi v Padovi in v Mednarodnem centru za teoretično fiziko v Trstu.Pri svojem dosedanjem delu je bil kot razvojni inženir zaposlen v podjetju Iskra Elekrozveze, za tem pa kot sistemski inženir v sistemskem razvoju Javnega zavoda RTV Slovenija. Leta 1997 se je zaposlil na Telekomu Slovenije, kjer je od leta 1999 kot direktor sektorja vodil Sektor za prodajo poslovnim uporabnikom, ki se je ukvarjal s celovito ponudbo in prodajo telekomunikacijskih storitev Telekoma Slovenije poslovnim uporabnikom. Na Telekomu Slovenije je med drugim tudi aktivno sodeloval pri razvoju in realizaciji sistema za sprejem in distribucijo multimedijskih vsebin preko širokopasovnega omrežja z uporabo internetnega protokola do končnih naročnikov (storitev se uporablja pod blagovno znamko SiOL TV). Mag. Jože Zrimšek je že drugi mandat tudi član Sveta za radiodifuzijo. Sedaj opravlja delo v.d. generalnega direktorja Direktorata za informacijsko družbo, na Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.

The Future of Office Suites

Tim Bray, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
What are office suites for, and why do we need them? What kinds of businesses can be built around them? This talk will try to identify the key trends affecting the future of office-suite technology and business. The perspective will be a little bit XML-centric and strongly Net-centric.
Biography: Tim Bray managed the Oxford English Dictionary project at the University of Waterloo in 1987-1989, co-founded Open Text Corporation (Nasdaq:OTEX) in 1989, launched one of the first public web search engines in 1995, co- invented XML 1.0 and co-edited "Namespaces in XML" between 1996 and 1999, founded Antarctica Systems in 1999, and served as a Tim Berners-Lee appointee on the W3C Technical Architecture Group in 2002-2004. Currently, he serves as Director of Web Technologies at Sun Microsystems, publishes a popular weblog, and co-chairs the IETF AtomPub Working Group.

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