
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

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How to fix FC3 error error while loading shared libraries: /<path_to_openoffice.org_install_directory>/program/ cannot restore segment prot after reloc: Permission denied?

  1. cd into /etc/selinux/targeted/contexts/files
  2. Create a backup of file_contexts. NOTE: do not overwrite file_contexts.rpmnew
  3. Download the patch and only use it as a model as SELinux under FC3 is being updated too frequently for the patch to be used as is. The contents are correct for installs in /opt and /usr/local. NOTE: you may have to edit file_contexts if OOo is not installed in either /opt or /usr/local.
  4. Execute setfiles -l -vv -F file_contexts /usr/local/*/program/ for /usr/local/ installations.
  5. Execute setfiles -l -vv -F file_contexts /opt for OOo installations.
  6. Reboot if necessary.
  7. If all else fails, disable SELinux and reboot.

Documentation / User FAQ / Installation / Previous-Next

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