
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

680 m26 Snapshot

Release Notes

these notes contains changes between 680_m24 and  680_m26.
this release will install as 680, it comes with ugly hacked splash screen to make clear, that this is an iterims build between 1.1 and 2.0.
for snapshot builds there will be no extra source tar balls created, sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m26.

known problems

i25609  P2 Web page autopilot functionality is broken

Features and Enhancements

ID Comp Summary
22565 framewor Allow creation of dialogs via a UNO service
22972 framewor Remove offmgr module and OfficeWrapper service
23683 framewor Provide example scripts in all languages
21182 framewor Q-PCD Macro Security Security-23
24382 framewor Add Python Scripting Runtime to installset
17416 Spreadsh Implement API functionality for new Chart

Fixed Issues

List of fixed issues in IssueZilla (unfortunatly some issues are still tracked by Sun internal Bug Tracking system :( )

ID Comp Summary
25034 framewor JDK1.3: java.nio.channels in filter/source/config/tools/util
24043 framewor CommandLineTools class fails with NullPointerException
16354 l10n puctuations' font in R2L text differ from the default paragr
15411 Word pro VM size grows up when saving a writer document, and ...
20622 Word pro Text flow link does not survive save-load cycle
23565 Word pro Assertion on closing writer template newslttr.stw
23987 Word pro repaint bug when using Format|Character in html document
23982 Word pro template crashes Windows completely
25268 Word pro memory overwrite in _InitCore()

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

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