
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

680 m22 Snapshot

Release Notes

these notes contains changes between 680_m20 and  680_m22.
this release will install as 680, it comes with ugly hacked splash screen to make clear, that this is an iterims build between 1.1 and 2.0.
for snapshot builds there will be no extra source tar balls created, sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m22.

Features and Enhancements

ID Type Pri Comp Summary
2109 ENHANC P3 Word pro table cells/rows can not continue over a page boundary
7907 ENHANC P3 Word pro Unable to import Word subdocuments in master files.
19971 ENHANC P3 framewor general UNO API for URI handling
22675 FEATUR P2 tools testtool: get list of file;line;revion for errors and warnin
24117 ENHANC P3 framewor Move more dialogs to cui library

5 issues found

Fixed Issues

List of fixed issues in IssueZilla (unfortunatly some issues are still tracked by Sun internal Bug Tracking system :( )
ID Type Pri Comp Summary
16876 DEFECT P2 Word pro Symbol fonts incorrectly imported from rtf file (or clipboar
18515 DEFECT P3 Word pro MS doc filter problems
18644 DEFECT P3 Word pro WW8: Incorrect character properties in table cell if row end
20181 DEFECT P3 Spreadsh Provide temporary fix for comma / dot on Keypad
20540 DEFECT P3 Word pro general input output error on saving to OOo format
22457 DEFECT P3 Word pro prototypes for SetShadow, SetFlyBordersShadow don't match wh
22601 DEFECT P2 Word pro Crash on Word .doc import
22635 DEFECT P3 Word pro WW8: page style has wrong follow after import
23022 DEFECT P3 Word pro Wrong text color in row 2 (and sometimes 3 and more) of a ta
23061 DEFECT P3 gsl VCL code cleanup #02
23137 DEFECT P3 Word pro WW8: When adding extra styles to TOC consider styles which i
23161 DEFECT P3 Word pro WW8: nested table anchored in wrong cell
23427 DEFECT P3 tools horizontal scroolbar doesn't work sometimes
23795 DEFECT P3 tools testtool: text disappears on search
24438 DEFECT P3 tools testtool: display is not updated after changing the font

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

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