
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

2.0 m152 Snapshot - Release Notes

these notes contains changes between 680_m151 and  680_m152.
this release will install as OOo-Dev2.0.
Sources can be received from cvs by tag SRC680_m152.

What's new ?

no new features

Integrated Child Workspaces

List of integrated child workspaces:

optstor2 Further development and optimization of embedded objects. m152
tbe25 OOo 2.0.2 bug fixes m152
macosx20xfixes01 misc fixes for Mac OS X / 2.0.2 m152
qadev25 update and enhance UNO-API-Tests m152
swqbf48 Writer 2.0.2 bugfixes m152
localisation04 this cws contains OOo 2.0.2 / PP2 related l10n fixes and localisation m152
cmcfixes23 minor build time fixes to make default "configure" build out of the box on fedora "just work" without manual workarounds m152
jl29jre Bundling new Java 1.5.05 with Office m152
impress78 PP2 bug fixes. m152
impress79 crash report fixed for impress/draw m152
vcl49 more 2.0.2 fixes m152
sch13 Fixes for chart for 2.0.2 m152
fs05 new release of libwpd (0.8.4) m152
gcc41 Basic support for gcc-4.1 m152
dba202e ongoing DBA bug fixing for 2.0.2 - high priority issues only (crash reports) m152
pj48 Minor build fixes and cleanups for 2.0.2. m152
vq26 W32 Mozilla build issues m152
vq27 Fix build issues ... m152
mmeeks13 Fix to a Linux-developer-only tool 'linkoo' currently broken. m152
mmeeks14 has a 'simple' mode - used by ooo-build & others to package OO.o without using the internal/epm packaging code. This recently had a load of jds & download specific stuff added to it, this removes it again. The change should be specific only to use with the -simple option - ie. should not affect any Sun builds. m152
obo03 Additional check to prevent 0 byte size files in rpm-files m152

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