
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15 Member Responsibilities: Mail Lists

Last updated 2002 January 31 Member Responsibilities: Mail Lists

Please familiarize yourself with the following simple member responsibilities.

  1. Members are encouraged to participate in any mailing list as long as they honor Open Source principles of respect to other members and to the project at hand.

  2. Repeated violation of these principles will result in suspension of the member's membership in the relevant mailing list. If the member insists on joining under different aliases, the member's posts will be quarantined.

  3. Spam is not tolerated. For the most part, avoids spam by restricting posts to subscribers. In the rare case where a spammer subscribes to a list and posts spam to the list, he or she will be deleted from the list. Continued violation will result in the spammer being reported to his or her ISP (Internet Serviced Provider).

  4. Please do not send attachments with your message, as they add to the bandwidth burden we must all deal with. features several other avenues for persons interested in submitting attachments. Check with your project lead or send a message to to find out which would be best for you.

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