Sat Jun 1 2024 10:19:29 UTC
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This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.
ID Product Comp Assignee Status Resolution Summary Changed
118888 Writer formatti issues CONF --- some formatting function doesn't work for the attached large file 2012-02-10
119131 Writer formatti issues CONF --- ms-word doc: numbered headings not correctly displayed, also wrong in index 2012-03-26
119356 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph Styles with assigned List Styles - wrong level degrading if indent after text is defined 2012-05-25
119145 Writer formatti issues CONF --- wrong linefeed of verticaly rotated text in Writer's tables 2012-05-28
119900 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page number position and style is not right in docx file 2012-06-12
119895 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering indent in docx file is too large compare to display in MS Office 2012-06-12
119851 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page number should start with number 1 at second page 2012-06-12
119435 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tab space after bullets is not the same as that in MS Word 2003. 2012-06-13
119462 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Line break with deciminal points. 2012-06-13
118875 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Removing paragraph border is unintuitive 2012-06-13
119132 Writer formatti issues CONF --- unknown text-color cannot be changed with search-replace 2012-06-13
119386 Writer formatti issues CONF --- In Write, format picture, macro - change notification popup won't close 2012-06-14
119476 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]]Words display incorrectly if the linespacing is set into little than font size in .doc file 2012-06-20
119821 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Page-spanned table cell lost background color in its lower part when open a .doc sample file 2012-07-11
119967 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Entirely corrupted formatting in .docx file (example included) 2012-07-12
119970 Writer formatti issues CONF --- export to .doc file automatically inserts footer 2012-07-12
120060 Writer formatti issues CONF --- font character using embossed only show colour white whatever colour selected 2012-07-12
120281 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Cursor moves to the end of the document when pasting from clipboard 2012-07-17
120448 Writer formatti issues CONF --- the new added dictionary can't work until exit OO then launch it again. 2012-08-02
120453 Writer formatti issues CONF --- the arrange,alignment,wrap and anchor in the context menu can't work until re-active inserted OLE. 2012-08-03
120507 Writer formatti issues CONF --- clean install linux_x86 OO build on Ubuntu,but spell check can't work normally. 2012-08-09
120447 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Open space left after reducing frame height 2012-08-22
120585 Writer formatti issues CONF --- when decrease indent for bullet,the bullet will go out of page range. 2012-08-24
120621 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering style change from Arabic to number open in open office 2012-09-05
119834 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Comments can't show correctly in docx file 2012-09-05
119921 Writer formatti issues CONF --- If docx document contain 1 column and 2 column on 1 page, conent can't load correctly 2012-09-06
119905 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Font style is change from Times New Roman to Century Gothic when load docx file 2012-09-06
119906 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Graphic in header can't display correctly in docx file 2012-09-06
119914 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Bullet change to numbering after load docx file 2012-09-06
119590 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Page layout turn to Portrait when open the .docx file 2012-09-06
119511 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Graphic position is not right in docx format file 2012-09-06
119896 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]Table layout in landscape page in docx file can't display correct 2012-09-06
119810 Writer formatti issues CONF --- The date format in Footer is not correct in sample file 2012-09-06
119814 Writer formatti issues CONF --- The title position and the text direction in table is not correct when open the sample file 2012-09-06
119816 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Text in the sample file can't display correct 2012-09-06
120855 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drag-n-drop multiple images: Wrap is not honoured 2012-09-07
120958 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Changing Paragraph Style Mistakingly Changes Individually Formatted Text, If ... 2012-09-13
121047 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Number for paragraph is recalculate unexpectly when applying new numbering type for following paragraphs. 2012-09-24
121235 Writer formatti issues CONF --- writer's page numbering type changed after export to doc format 2012-10-19
119202 Writer formatti issues CONF --- double Page Preview corrupts Column formating in .docx 2012-11-05
120760 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [From Symphony]the connector shape's position is wrong in the content.xml for all odt files 2012-11-05
121458 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Direct formatting applied to whole paragraph should be a character style 2012-12-11
121489 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format -> Paragraph -> Text Flow -> Breaks -> Insert... doesn't honour "Above paragraph" spacing on the first page. 2012-12-17
121467 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Breakiterator sometimes does not realize correct hyphenation opportunity 2012-12-21
121569 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Picture tied vertically to a paragraph, with 'Follow text flow', shifts following paragraphs to next page 2013-01-03
102953 Writer formatti issues CONF --- pls make it possible to ad an apply Style command to a tool bar (via Tools| Customize) 2013-01-29
103177 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Find and Replace with format in table unreliable, depends on where the cursor is positioned 2013-01-29
89428 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add Dash Between Persian Words 2013-01-29
86461 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Hebrew text with numbers alligned to left displaces numbers. 2013-01-29
87770 Writer formatti issues CONF --- URLs recognition doesn't use internet character styles 2013-01-29
118654 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Pasting table from web slows writer to a standstill 2013-01-29
118452 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drawing Objects doesn't work with Hyperlink tool 2013-01-29
118644 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Possibility to create a "short chapter field" as alternative for long headings 2013-01-29
111056 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Automatic language switching is inaccurate / inconsistent 2013-01-29
118255 Writer formatti issues CONF --- remaining unnecessary input fields 2013-01-29
92942 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [a11y]Forms in Base and Writer files use the same Zoom value - no change possible 2013-01-29
90300 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Ctrl-Shift-Arrow selection should not include succeeding blank 2013-01-29
86279 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Avoid splitting mathematical strings in Writer 2013-01-29
116320 Writer formatti issues REOP --- Unicode "word joiner" (\u2060) won't work appropriate 2013-01-29
93310 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Right To Left text 2013-01-29
94878 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Protected Spaces not honored / losing text in Text Marks 2013-01-29
91732 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Large text fields not foramatted correctly 2013-01-29
118669 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Can't set paragraph margin over 10 cm 2013-01-31
118377 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Can not open WinWord 97 .doc file 2013-01-31
80283 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Language can be set "without warning" although dictionary is not installed/active 2013-02-07
78882 Writer formatti issues CONF --- View real styles and format in tool-bar 2013-02-07
75358 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: Writers tables need "AutoFit" feature if single word will cause line break 2013-02-07
64446 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Justify sometimes does not work well for Chinese 2013-02-07
83307 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Autotext will switch font of ongoing writing to Times New Roman 2013-02-07
83363 Writer formatti issues CONF --- MSOffice doc with section number in page numbering 2013-02-07
53938 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Applying 'default' style to a context-modifed default style paragraph should reset it to the actual default style 2013-02-07
48827 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Keyboard navigation in formatting dialogs 2013-02-07
77125 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Creative Writer's Tools & Templates 2013-02-07
85605 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add option to allow cell break across page insisted by merging cells 2013-02-07
57518 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add BannerMania like functionality 2013-02-07
87142 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Need addition on Format > Change Case > Initial Capitals 2013-02-07
64914 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Quick suggestion about a Shrink-to-One-Page option 2013-02-07
114099 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Highlighted text hardly visible 2013-02-07
94584 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Change case to "Sentence case" and "Title Case" 2013-02-07
57028 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Cascading character styles 2013-02-07
114070 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Before text" paragraph spacing is applied to both text, and graphics, if the graphic is left-aligned 2013-02-07
54090 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Graphics should not be pasted upon existing ones 2013-02-07
45498 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Enable contents of frames to be alligned to bottom of frame. 2013-02-07
113378 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph layout "first fit" alone is insufficient 2013-02-07
50701 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Synchronize Margins checkbox for Page format like Borderspacing 2013-02-07
45979 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Style option "Do not split paragraph" doesn't work when the style is applied to a table cell. 2013-02-07
73943 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Anchor to page relative to character 2013-02-07
83218 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page break handling that can go into template - add "avoid page break" option 2013-02-07
42019 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Gradient and Hatching for Page Background 2013-02-07
60018 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Provision to put the captions outside the frame. 2013-02-07
37196 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Dictionary-style entries in header and footer 2013-02-07
55098 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Be able to display a page style before using the page style. 2013-02-07
55104 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format>Page>Organizer - Add to Name row a drop down list of styles. 2013-02-07
44518 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Move image over paper borders 2013-02-07
50065 Writer formatti issues CONF --- referenz style for register-true alignment / also in cm 2013-02-07
51370 Writer formatti issues CONF --- too few border line widths 2013-02-07
104107 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add option to combine identical entries and keys to one entry 2013-02-07
67474 Writer formatti issues CONF --- need support for mixed fix column-width and proportion column-width 2013-02-07
43834 Writer formatti issues CONF --- setting defaults in template does not affect existing (text-only) docs 2013-02-07
77111 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Cannot reset/remove List styles in paragraph formats back to Default 2013-02-07
94233 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Create Alphabetic Index from character styled text 2013-02-07
93875 Writer formatti issues CONF --- calculating style changes for total length 2013-02-07
96500 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page "spacing to content" affects header and footer 2013-02-07
57563 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Keep with previous" as well as "Keep with next" paragraph 2013-02-07
76992 Writer formatti issues CONF --- table - repeat ONLY second row of heading row(s) 2013-02-07
44972 Writer formatti issues CONF --- setting outline character's line thickness 2013-02-07
45116 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suggestions for Inline-Math 2013-02-07
61928 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Insert column dialog should memory last values entered 2013-02-07
115472 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add support for checkmark lists 2013-02-07
77205 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Ability to prepend/append content to a § based on style 2013-02-07
89543 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Input field should submit number to variable 2013-02-07
62134 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Non-breaking space (Strg+Space) is adjusted badly when using "justified" paragraph alignment 2013-02-07
44822 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Convert Footnotes to Endnotes and vice versa 2013-02-07
61440 Writer formatti issues CONF --- No way to turn off floating-frames 2013-02-07
66678 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Make possible to apply frame styles in a selected text area 2013-02-07
74215 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer should use the figures displayed for calculation, like Calc does 2013-02-07
80435 Writer formatti issues CONF --- auto-italize or auto-capitalize for certain words 2013-02-07
55553 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suggestion for improved typographic spacing (Leading) around paragraphs 2013-02-07
64014 Writer formatti issues CONF --- proposal to use external style sheets for Writer documents 2013-02-07
83935 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suggest automatic return to text body when return is pressed before a heading (as well as after) 2013-02-07
87017 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add table/frame line styles also to drawing objects 2013-02-07
88340 Writer formatti issues CONF --- dynamic style assignment, "follow style" should be applied "live" 2013-02-07
53932 Writer formatti issues CONF --- searching and replacement of formula (and pieces) 2013-02-07
77686 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Caption equations with a number in the margin 2013-02-07
99048 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Filter changes to a graphic should be undoable after save & reload 2013-02-07
44879 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suggest expansion of style hierarchy 2013-02-07
53730 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Move Table of Contents 2013-02-07
51102 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow graphics caption without frame 2013-02-07
33553 Writer formatti issues CONF --- right align footnote numbers 2013-02-07
55018 Writer formatti issues CONF --- enhance character style formatting behaviour 2013-02-07
56246 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page X of Y pages as a field in the list of fields 2013-02-07
62841 Writer formatti issues CONF --- margin numbers for paragraphs on outer margin (columned layout or mirrored page style) 2013-02-07
47242 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Inconsistent application of paragraph and character formatting 2013-02-07
101392 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Configure Autoformat options for "Apply style" separately 2013-02-07
95813 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Edit and see layers graphically 2013-02-07
54966 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer : specifying the heigth of an array / table 2013-02-07
53523 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add support for side headings (sidehead) 2013-02-07
61762 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add option to convert ALL Numerals based on lingual context (autocorrect/autoformat) 2013-02-07
38867 Writer formatti issues CONF --- insert OLE Object "as icon" 2013-02-07
87706 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add typeface-setting to font-replacement-setting 2013-02-07
70980 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Synchronize page margins in width (like spacings in "border" dialog) 2013-02-07
92731 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suppress Paragragh Breaks in Table of Contents 2013-02-07
82385 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Header and footer cannot exceed left and right page margin 2013-02-07
51082 Writer formatti issues CONF --- form controls do not repeat in header/footer 2013-02-07
68807 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph styles: conditional page break based on space remaining on page 2013-02-07
97364 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page numbering should not be touched from paragraph style in Indexes 2013-02-07
94586 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Associate a case with a style 2013-02-07
64893 Writer formatti issues CONF --- let inserted spreadsheet data break across pages 2013-02-07
89687 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [Req] Nested Styles feature 2013-02-07
40681 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Can't indent footnotes separation line 2013-02-07
62061 Writer formatti issues CONF --- automatic hyphenation behaviour (last word of paragraph) 2013-02-07
57693 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Improve kerning features, custom kerning 2013-02-07
71841 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Offer "upside down" text in Writer tables like i Calc cells 2013-02-07
79067 Writer formatti issues CONF --- By default, add a bullet style to the paragraphs styles called "list 1" to "list 2"... 2013-02-07
33556 Writer formatti issues CONF --- default wrap distance should be an acceptable value instead of 0 2013-02-07
45700 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Right justify some text on line, but not all 2013-02-07
75522 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add action refinement menus to functions that can take parameters 2013-02-07
67513 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Feature req: Suppress hyphenation in styles. 2013-02-07
63065 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow to specify the column count in text->table conversion 2013-02-07
64901 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Apply frame attributes through all levels of nesting 2013-02-07
59024 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Import Styles should be easier 2013-02-07
115815 Writer formatti issues CONF --- avoid left indent being larger than right indent via ruler 2013-02-07
63276 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Improve placement of redlining-change bars on the page 2013-02-07
62072 Writer formatti issues CONF --- paragraph styles: indents in indexes 2013-02-07
105721 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Text tables: Background color should keep the last made setting instead of showing the current cell color 2013-02-07
88898 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Implement automatic capitalization in new line 2013-02-07
37558 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Recent custom bullet formats history for quick application 2013-02-07
54965 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer : modifying the column width 2013-02-07
60666 Writer formatti issues CONF --- fixed line spacing less than character height should also offer overlapping lines 2013-02-07
62251 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Show cell width or height on drag and drop resize 2013-02-07
97375 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add option to have title or heading for Footnotes 2013-02-07
47785 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add compatibility option "Don't expand character spaces on the line ending Shift-Return" 2013-02-07
92730 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering type "One, Two, Three..." and "1st, 2nd, 3rd..." needed 2013-02-07
77207 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Insert image or styled symbol next to specific kinds of paragraphs 2013-02-07
66216 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Apply column formatting to individual paragraphs 2013-02-07
60377 Writer formatti issues CONF --- when splitting cells horizontally, split in available space and don't enlarge 2013-02-07
70383 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Copy/Paste styles 2013-02-07
115188 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rotating text in table does not format well 2013-02-07
59154 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow a paragraph style to create a page break in a table 2013-02-07
108537 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add option for "Nonprinting characters" not to mark single spaces 2013-02-07
53489 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Column widths in Writer only calculated in percent values 2013-02-07
101736 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Offer different way of assigning page styles than using paragraph format 2013-02-07
67690 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Hide Blank lines at the top of page 2013-02-07
42770 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add option to prevent single-letter words at end of line (No way of regulating the "orphanned" and widowed letters in a line.) 2013-02-07
109347 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Simple new-user-friendly way to stop Number Recognition in table via "Number format" dialog 2013-02-07
43003 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add option for line spacing measurement 2013-02-07
116113 Writer formatti issues CONF --- picture cannot be dropped if draged over a bar of the text window 2013-02-07
94971 Writer formatti issues CONF --- provide multi-alignment 2013-02-07
82318 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Suggest: add a mask feature to writer 2013-02-07
49109 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [usability] Provide sane defaults for formatting of index entries 2013-02-07
71503 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rich Text Formatting Options Only 2013-02-07
77210 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page style dependant outline numbering 2013-02-07
86633 Writer formatti issues CONF --- style protection feature in writer 2013-02-07
48487 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow Outline Numbering to change based on the Page Style 2013-02-07
66070 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Don't indent for the first PARAPGRAPH in the text block" option 2013-02-07
63572 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rubies (phonetics guide) dialog should recognize word stems 2013-02-07
99324 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add option that subscript/superscript does not affect line spacing 2013-02-07
51215 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Space Before" not zeroized after explicit page break 2013-02-07
61783 Writer formatti issues CONF --- make space between footnote number and footnote text fixed 2013-02-07
56117 Writer formatti issues CONF --- page count field for tables - fields like "page X of Y" in tables desired 2013-02-07
65946 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Enable Format / Page menu in preview mode 2013-02-07
75232 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Equations Character Styles 2013-02-07
91794 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Apply character styles cumulative 2013-02-07
55678 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Changing the table width also changes its alignment to manual 2013-02-07
75789 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Hanging indent where text directly follows number in first line of footnotes 2013-02-07
92719 Writer formatti issues CONF --- alignment options (not only for for linebreak in justified paragraphs) 2013-02-07
63593 Writer formatti issues CONF --- captioned Tables which do not fit in the page may be formatted as traditional tables 2013-02-07
44938 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Enhancement for default Table of Contents behavior 2013-02-07
57691 Writer formatti issues CONF --- A document should allow more than one Outline numbering rule 2013-02-07
61143 Writer formatti issues CONF --- save user-set format at every caret position for every caret position 2013-02-07
58346 Writer formatti issues CONF --- let text be inserted before a nested table 2013-02-07
59382 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Float image within text 2013-02-07
96573 Writer formatti issues CONF --- reduce width of letter to zero 2013-02-07
42603 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Toolbar for header and footer formatting? 2013-02-07
104197 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Increase/Reduce Fonts Size when different sizes are selected 2013-02-07
52513 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Multiline Table Footer (Should have) 2013-02-07
101498 Writer formatti issues UNCO --- Incorrect Display of Hebrew within English Text on Mac OS X 2013-02-07
43563 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Option to set transparency color 2013-02-07
49360 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Vertcally align frames at each other 2013-02-07
58489 Writer formatti issues CONF --- allow image captions left or right, not only under, an image 2013-02-07
62661 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Give Writer the ability to have footers in a table 2013-02-07
39363 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Predefined styles can not be deleted 2013-02-07
58478 Writer formatti issues CONF --- ask where to break (long) words in (narrow) columns of tables 2013-02-07
47118 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer should give notification when page style could not be assigned 2013-02-07
70894 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Section footnote options should be available in styles 2013-02-07
88846 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Column separator line colour cannot be configured 2013-02-07
76168 Writer formatti issues CONF --- needed: Remove Direct Paragraph Formats 2013-02-07
50880 Writer formatti issues CONF --- maximum limit for rows/columns 2013-02-07
67421 Writer formatti issues CONF --- enable Widows/Orphans control by default 2013-02-07
74622 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Multiple footnotes inserted together are not comma-separated 2013-02-07
49664 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Create new menu item Format->capitalletters/smallcaps->both 2013-02-07
115885 Writer formatti issues CONF --- OOo should display tracked changes in fields in the same way as Word 2007 2013-02-07
62896 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Diable Numbering, Enable Bullets independently in AutoCorrect 2013-02-07
44375 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page number control in the wrong place 2013-02-07
105686 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Cross-out cells in tables 2013-02-07
75034 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add optionso that hard attributes could be overwritten by sparagraph styles 2013-02-07
114073 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add a minimum schema level for the graphic option "first paragraph" 2013-02-07
44936 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Gradient and Hatching Options for frame background 2013-02-07
77199 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tables and Frames should have same conditional hide option like Sections 2013-02-07
59825 Writer formatti issues CONF --- allow to insert index/table into multi-column sections following the layout of the columns 2013-02-07
72681 Writer formatti issues CONF --- let user control when footnotes wrap 2013-02-07
80270 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Force users to use certain styles in a document/template 2013-02-07
90259 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tab-key in second line should create hanging indent in paragraph 2013-02-07
105081 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow heading for footnote / endnote section 2013-02-07
57569 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add context menu while right-clicking on document 2013-02-07
58515 Writer formatti issues CONF --- add line styles ondulated 2013-02-07
42602 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Formatting heading style in OpenOffice 2.0 confusing 2013-02-07
37557 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Font size pulldown menu not wide enough to differentiate between 10 and 10.5 point 2013-02-07
62011 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer: Hebrew Page Numbering Addition 2013-02-07
51743 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Set color of hidden chars (space, linefeed etc) 2013-02-07
44780 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Clearing tabs over multiple selected paragraphs 2013-02-07
52785 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Cascading" templates 2013-02-07
44318 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Space Before/After Paragraph formatting does not allow negative values 2013-02-07
44208 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Last Page" style like "First Page" style 2013-02-07
60019 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow author to apply a different style to captions 2013-02-07
60495 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Typographical placement of frames etc. 2013-02-07
52886 Writer formatti issues CONF --- The 'Load Styles' dialog should have a checkbox for 'Compatibility Options' 2013-02-07
70020 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Need option to update a style in the underlying template 2013-02-07
116956 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Private Use Area character used for diamond list item bullet-char 2013-02-07
86374 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow Page number 0 2013-02-07
42020 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Option to Make characters transparent in Outline Effect 2013-02-07
108329 Writer formatti issues CONF --- better layout for wrapped long headings in the Table of Contents (compatibility) 2013-02-07
84580 Writer formatti issues CONF --- End Superscript formatting of Ordinal At End of Line automatically 2013-02-07
44374 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Different basic Table Autoformat examples 2013-02-07
62222 Writer formatti issues CONF --- legal pleadings and writers line numbering code 2013-02-07
64536 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Activating header & footer should not change page "body" size 2013-02-07
58331 Writer formatti issues CONF --- show nested tables as outline 2013-02-07
58927 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer GUI shows two different Table Numbers for a given table 2013-02-07
40548 Writer formatti issues CONF --- paragraph border across page boundaries 2013-02-07
85636 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Enhance spaces formatting aids to hide single spaces between words 2013-02-07
38107 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Optimal Page Wrap" should be default for graphics insertion; page wrap should be configurable 2013-02-07
90183 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add 'Evenly distribute contents to all columns' checkbox to page and text frame properties. 2013-02-07
106199 Writer formatti issues CONF --- character in index entry dialog 2013-02-07
93103 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow changing several page styles via Format.Page when having multi-page selection 2013-02-07
46457 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Usability: defining spacing above / below paragraph by points 2013-02-07
60301 Writer formatti issues CONF --- enhance Column tab of "Table properties" dialog 2013-02-07
105300 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow inner/outer outline numbering like line numbering 2013-02-07
85308 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Auto numbering with roman number should be a separate choice in Autocorrect dialog 2013-02-07
65766 Writer formatti issues REOP --- Caption frames should be assigned in a different way 2013-02-07
102073 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table column cannot be adjusted with the mouse when next column is too small; make the Shift-mouse behavor default 2013-02-07
47084 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Assigning suitable tab during Table to Text 2013-02-07
92923 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Editable footnote/endnote separators of different styles for Writer 2013-02-07
118356 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table distribution over several columns and pages 2013-02-07
62555 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Request for better automated page number reset 2013-02-07
70810 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Endnotes in footnotes (and vice versa) 2013-02-07
91694 Writer formatti issues CONF --- adding an "anchor to chapter" option to images. 2013-02-07
51682 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Support For Auto-Switch Formatting in RTL Documents. 2013-02-07
51795 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Superscript position can only set by % 2013-02-07
88155 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Copy paragraph/bullet-Formatting using Drag-and-Drop operations 2013-02-07
76306 Writer formatti issues CONF --- AutoCorrect turn of "Replace Custom Styles" in the default settings 2013-02-07
104734 Writer formatti issues CONF --- custom index with alphabetical delimiter 2013-02-07
35213 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Request more bullet styles for checklists 2013-02-07
92729 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Repeating frames / apply frames to Page and Paragraph Styles 2013-02-07
92561 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow default tabulations to be completely removed 2013-02-07
35158 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Side-by-side tables 2013-02-07
79825 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph "Text Flow" options don't work in table cells 2013-02-07
37588 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Define function key or meta combination to set a font. Stylist bindings? 2013-02-07
51845 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rounded corners in borders/background/text frames 2013-02-07
72080 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Make text fit into certain space (WordPerfect feature) 2013-02-07
60020 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Link between frames is not evident to reader (provide continuation text) 2013-02-07
35813 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Insert source code in OOo Writer with syntaxic coloration 2013-02-07
75357 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Do Not Clip Hanging Indents in Tables 2013-02-07
121720 Writer formatti issues CONF --- tab through objects manipulating document length in writer skips objects while in multipage view 2013-02-11
120311 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Document templates get formated differently depending on user interface language setting 2013-02-16
121785 Writer formatti issues UNCO --- 'Update styles' command does not function 2013-02-23
121834 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format weakness 2013-03-01
121332 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer Page Width: Inches Symbol Ignored when Combined with Feet Symbol 2013-03-25
86767 Writer formatti issues CONF --- AutoFormat->Apply failure 2013-03-29
90838 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Optional hyphens are ignored, before line breaks 2013-03-29
120371 Writer formatti issues CONF --- The default automatic color font is not saved when I re-open a document even if the document was saved 2013-04-03
122063 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rotation missing in text box 2013-04-15
122077 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Wrong string replaced when Find & Replace Format 2013-04-16
117911 Writer formatti issues CONF --- DOCX: open office doesn't display rotated images 2013-04-30
122199 Writer formatti issues UNCO --- Page rendering for long documents may cause OpenOffice to stall, preventing use of, e.g. Calc 2013-05-01
117669 Writer formatti issues UNCO --- Crash when trying to create a new page style 2013-06-18
122570 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Character can be extended beyond table cell when Font Size is increased 2013-06-22
120922 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow "below text" footnotes 2013-07-19
90040 Writer formatti issues ACCE --- the space between CJK character and western character 2013-07-30
95745 Writer formatti issues CONF --- relative position between anchor and image not controlable 2013-07-30
36144 Writer formatti issues REOP --- Need to control the text/font Shadow Color 2013-07-30
94630 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table Autoformats do not save properly 2013-07-30
117998 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format destroyed after edit in RTF-File 2013-08-05
1575 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tabulator positions unchangable when selection contains different tabs 2013-08-07
10610 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format|Default does not revert to default Numbering 2013-08-07
16730 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Enhance page styles to allow graphical elements like water marks 2013-08-07
17608 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drag and Drop Margins to make WYSIWYG Better 2013-08-07
33681 Writer formatti issues CONF --- In html, tfoot content displayed above tbody content. 2013-08-07
33788 Writer formatti issues CONF --- two envelope orientations are highlighted 2013-08-07
34427 Writer formatti issues CONF --- URL is autocorrected when syllabication is corrected 2013-08-07
34970 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Lost space when coverting Numbered Style from Word to OO 2013-08-07
35562 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Relative hyperlinks in Draw objects don't work 2013-08-07
36313 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Small improvement in Japanese justification 2013-08-07
36626 Writer formatti issues CONF --- headings get numbered 2013-08-07
37511 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Page style lost after saving file with a section set to hide under some condition. 2013-08-07
37560 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Japanese: How to get bullets not "nakagoro" glyphs in outlines 2013-08-07
37770 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: compatibility for paragraphs having border/spacing 2013-08-07
39593 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table drawn in wrong column of columned section under certain circumstances 2013-08-07
40529 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Lost Styles Formatting 2013-08-07
40697 Writer formatti issues CONF --- pasting text from PowerToy Calculator inserts text with invalid (empty) language attribute 2013-08-07
41919 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Scrolling like Mozilla Firefox 2013-08-07
43219 Writer formatti issues CONF --- incorrect spacing under frame followed by fixed line spacing 2013-08-07
43450 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Manual Page break formats last paragraph on previous page as the first paragraph on following page 2013-08-07
43776 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Underlining should optionally skip descenders and characters below baseline 2013-08-07
45827 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Inability to remove label templates 2013-08-07
45835 Writer formatti issues CONF --- page-style doesn't refresh after pagebreak on 1.9x 2013-08-07
46078 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Performance problem when large table are inserted in a document. 2013-08-07
47333 Writer formatti issues CONF --- ASSERT: keine Box oder mehrere am Format 2013-08-07
48277 Writer formatti issues CONF --- wrap function with frames does not work correct 2013-08-07
48420 Writer formatti issues CONF --- line spacing change no effect in table with single lines in each cell 2013-08-07
48913 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering Format doesn't work if it is done prior to entering value in table 2013-08-07
49188 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Endnotes kept together, screw up document together 2013-08-07
49214 Writer formatti issues CONF --- CJK: Line spacing interpretation is different between Word and Writer due to text grid 2013-08-07
49302 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table Cell Alignment lost when Splitting/Merging Cells 2013-08-07
49688 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Text in header with spacing below paragraph does not extend header 2013-08-07
49809 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Quotation marks following two hyphens (em dash) should be beginning quotion marks but are ending quotation marks 2013-08-07
50204 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table of Contents for book organization should be easier 2013-08-07
50369 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table formatting: vert. alignment not applied when cell breaks 2013-08-07
50714 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Re-open 50676 Paste Calc into Writer 2013-08-07
50915 Writer formatti issues CONF --- redlined references affect the bibliography 2013-08-07
51708 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Inconsistent shadow depending on text color 2013-08-07
51794 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drop Caps dont work after inserting Note 2013-08-07
52269 Writer formatti issues CONF --- New paragraph option "Merge background color" 2013-08-07
52621 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph jumps to next page after <ENTER> and <Backspace> 2013-08-07
52631 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Copy/Paste of row of table - alignment formatting of paragraphs is lost 2013-08-07
53368 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Changing the default page background of template HTML template does not apply to new documents anymore 2013-08-07
53578 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Ability to selectively remove existing styles 2013-08-07
53744 Writer formatti issues CONF --- HTML: Formatting is lost every time I open the file 2013-08-07
53877 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Change in page break in dependent style will not stay 2013-08-07
54640 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Repagination of large documents takes minutes and/or crashes OOo 2013-08-07
54841 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Problems with choosing between Western/Asian/CTL font for quote chars 2013-08-07
55340 Writer formatti issues CONF --- multi-column layout within table cell works incorrectly 2013-08-07
55370 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Applying Style does not include "keep with next" 2013-08-07
56319 Writer formatti issues CONF --- index entry breaks alignment 2013-08-07
56732 Writer formatti issues CONF --- No paragraph transparency with small fixed line spacing 2013-08-07
57314 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Automatic Outline Numbering should be easily removable 2013-08-07
57880 Writer formatti issues CONF --- keep with next paragraph doesn't work 2013-08-07
58326 Writer formatti issues CONF --- "Distribute rows evenly" defective; should be named differently 2013-08-07
59717 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering labeld should not get hard format when paragraph is empty 2013-08-07
59962 Writer formatti issues CONF --- overwriting big font size collapses line too much (jumbled) - example incl 2013-08-07
60004 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Varying line space in footnotes? 2013-08-07
60172 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Font size (or other attribute) of the number on a numbered line of text cannot be changed if that line contains a hyperlink. 2013-08-07
60361 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: Invalid position of shape inside table due too ignored cell alignment 2013-08-07
60839 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paste does not always preserve formatting 2013-08-07
61086 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Index entry editor should have quicker access to entries 2013-08-07
61352 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Include outline settings into "Load.Styles" process for "Numbering" option 2013-08-07
61912 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Loop: Formating special document ends in loop 2013-08-07
62028 Writer formatti issues CONF --- OO hangs for ca. 30 sec when editing a big table in Writer 2013-08-07
62052 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Allow object outside anchor frame some kind of "follow text flow" 2013-08-07
62096 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Undo does not undo the styles loaded with: Styles and Formatting > Load styles 2013-08-07
62383 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Red triangle will not shown on specific condition 2013-08-07
62594 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Improve 'Drop Caps' functionality for fixed line spacings 2013-08-07
62597 Writer formatti issues CONF --- View field names + indexes 2013-08-07
63204 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: fixed linespacings handled noticeably different from the default linespacings 2013-08-07
63458 Writer formatti issues CONF --- hyperlink for index entry 2013-08-07
63565 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Index function should optionally reference paragraph instead of page numbers 2013-08-07
63989 Writer formatti issues CONF --- font size undo defect 2013-08-07
64107 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer refreshing repeatedly and apparently unnecessarily 2013-08-07
64201 Writer formatti issues CONF --- unexpected wrapping of space characters 2013-08-07
64669 Writer formatti issues CONF --- drop caps displayed too large when "register true" activated 2013-08-07
64890 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Hyperlinks: hide internal information from tooltips 2013-08-07
64904 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Make the behavior of LS/LE in TOC more intuitive 2013-08-07
65935 Writer formatti issues CONF --- table line merge doesn't draw shadows properly 2013-08-07
66034 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Bibliography index shows all existing entry types 2013-08-07
66231 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Removing attributes from styles should remove them from list in "Organize" tab 2013-08-07
67005 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Autospellcheck disabled on specific document after changing formating options 2013-08-07
67095 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer does not save alternative date formats 2013-08-07
67422 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Do not turn off whole underline attribute when only part of the word is formatted 2013-08-07
67468 Writer formatti issues CONF --- table:style-name is not preserved. 2013-08-07
67555 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Vertical cell merging breaks line unity when filling with text 2013-08-07
67645 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table: different inner and outer border widths when adding lines 2013-08-07
67704 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drop Caps don't pick up assigned character style in one-line-paragraph 2013-08-07
68078 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Restart of numbering should not be mandatory after a preceding higher paragraph level 2013-08-07
68259 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Aligned descriptions in the table of figures 2013-08-07
68647 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Locate and jump to an index entry 2013-08-07
68723 Writer formatti issues CONF --- table row initially breaks onto new page in an illogical position 2013-08-07
68824 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Don't change German "ß" to "ss" when formatted as Small capitals 2013-08-07
69693 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Footnotes have no numbers in repeatet table headers 2013-08-07
70375 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table width incorrect when changing zoom 2013-08-07
70429 Writer formatti issues CONF --- endnotes and headers 2013-08-07
70437 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Footnote Text should not be on different page than its Anchor 2013-08-07
70710 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbered lists should be able to start centered and as new line 2013-08-07
71195 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Irregular highlighting in mixed (Western + CJK/CTL) text 2013-08-07
71357 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Conditional text doesn't include pictures or different paragraph types 2013-08-07
71406 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Content won't stay on same page - wrong evaluation of "keep" attribute 2013-08-07
71437 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Index Marks Break Justification 2013-08-07
71626 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Manual page breaks surrounded by hidden text must become disabled when text is hidden. 2013-08-07
71627 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tables whose contents are completely hidden are still visible 2013-08-07
71817 Writer formatti issues CONF --- no redraw of page example in Page settings dialog 2013-08-07
71988 Writer formatti issues CONF --- User-defined indexes lack some options available for alphabetical index 2013-08-07
72000 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Footnote numbering does not auto update 2013-08-07
72302 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Can't disable highlighting at end of line 2013-08-07
72782 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: Position of vertical (drawing) text is incorrect when imported 2013-08-07
73061 Writer formatti issues CONF --- table cell does not take care of transparency in its background graphic 2013-08-07
73698 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Tables from Ms Word breaks across columns for no reason 2013-08-07
74353 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: "Keep with next" initially not formatted correctly 2013-08-07
75779 Writer formatti issues CONF --- character-effect "title" leaves first letter lower case when selection is lead by quotation mark 2013-08-07
75828 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Missing "Surround header" and "Surround footer" Page Border options in Oo Writer 2013-08-07
76241 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Format Paintbrush Use Leads to Unstable View 2013-08-07
76651 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Applying cell format in a writer table to another cell 2013-08-07
78475 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Formatting part of ligature 2013-08-07
78543 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Attributing redlines interpreted incorrectly when between inserted and available content 2013-08-07
78561 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drop caps should work for numbering (and vv.) 2013-08-07
79636 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: hyperlink assigned to text should also react on graphic "as character" 2013-08-07
80934 Writer formatti issues CONF --- I would like OOo Writer to open .txt and .srt text files in plain text format, instead of html, even if the text body contains <i>, </i> or other tag-like text 2013-08-07
81363 Writer formatti issues CONF --- OOo Writer displays 1 page where MSWord displays 2 pages 2013-08-07
81523 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Can't delete pictures inside table using "Del" when all table content is selected 2013-08-07
82468 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Organize tab should not list "color+transparent" when "no fill" is selected 2013-08-07
83089 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Local formatting prevents paragraph style formatting 2013-08-07
83356 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Certain underlined text followed by tab shows discontinuation 2013-08-07
83450 Writer formatti issues CONF --- formatting characters using the paintbrush 2013-08-07
84592 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: large table won't break due to widow/orphan control 2013-08-07
84838 Writer formatti issues CONF --- copy and paste the whole odt file content changes number of pages 2013-08-07
84892 Writer formatti issues CONF --- When assigning Numberings, Writer should take care of tab characters 2013-08-07
85827 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Unable to choose a bullet for outline numbering levels 2013-08-07
86533 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Copy text from MS Word (as HTML format), "default" font style ignored 2013-08-07
86594 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Asterisk (*) as footnote-numbering too small (double superscript) 2013-08-07
86806 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Update style option from Stylist 2013-08-07
87118 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Highlight have different base line and height in the same line. 2013-08-07
87354 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Center and right alignment do not work in wide frames/pages 2013-08-07
87397 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Wrong character size after "Undo" if changes are tracked but not shown 2013-08-07
88654 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Writer tables - assign borders with pencil tool 2013-08-07
89129 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Nonbreakable space (U+00A0) should be elastic 2013-08-07
89954 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Move ExtLeading below the text line for all platforms 2013-08-07
90848 Writer formatti issues CONF --- New 'Keep with same paragraphs' option 2013-08-07
92047 Writer formatti issues CONF --- style:first-page-number ignored by Writer 2013-08-07
94032 Writer formatti issues CONF --- When a row spans more than one page click in a part of the cell not on the first page does not place the cursor in that cell 2013-08-07
94080 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Master document - Insert New document should automatically use the template of the Master document 2013-08-07
94627 Writer formatti issues CONF --- line redraw lagging after assigning new font height 2013-08-07
94847 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Fast font color changing 2013-08-07
96064 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Pictures in frames: size changes arbitrarily when switching tabs in Picture dialog 2013-08-07
98482 Writer formatti issues CONF --- At line end, break URLs after slashes, no hyphen added 2013-08-07
99559 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Styles and formatting: filter not remembered when switchin style type 2013-08-07
100016 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Help misleading on "update style" 2013-08-07
100413 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Button "More" when selecting language is misleading 2013-08-07
102187 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table menu -> label "autofit" is misleading 2013-08-07
102618 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Table - Autoformat: Sum row should be optional 2013-08-07
102869 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Add ability to rotate OLE Objects 2013-08-07
102960 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Support for document Tab order when exporting to PDF 2013-08-07
103172 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Rescaling (many) pictures 2013-08-07
103623 Writer formatti issues CONF --- objects that are anchored to page are hard to move to other pages 2013-08-07
106120 Writer formatti issues CONF --- lose character format of certain paragraph(depend on the position the mouse clicked) when using paintbrush 2013-08-07
109574 Writer formatti issues CONF --- WW8: hatching in drawing object exported as bitmap 2013-08-07
113477 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Cannot create template with specific "per chapter table of content" 2013-08-07
115186 Writer formatti issues CONF --- 'restart at' numbering format using applied format (letters, Roman...) 2013-08-07
2623 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Frame overflow boundries red arrows missing 2013-08-07
34326 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Fail to show word doc's bullet properly 2013-08-07
34812 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Image displayed with streaks 2013-08-07
35684 Writer formatti issues CONF --- [Text Grid] Vertical alignment for different font sizes differ from MS Word 2013-08-07
36916 Writer formatti issues CONF --- paragraph formatting incorrect at page breaks 2013-08-07
39435 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Upper Border Margin in ToC title gets doubled 2013-08-07
39642 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Sometimes wrapping at em dash is undesirable 2013-08-07
42168 Writer formatti issues CONF --- M-dashes handled improperly at line breaks 2013-08-07
42280 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Numbering and List paragraph styles should have numbering style by default 2013-08-07
43693 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Drop caps should work on cluster boundaries 2013-08-07
44534 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Proportional line spacing acts inconsistantly 2013-08-07
45066 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Paragraph bordering is rendered relative to paragraph indent 2013-08-07
45422 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Going back to inherited attributes, or contrasting with them 2013-08-07
47841 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Line breaks will sometimes also paint paragraph break marks 2013-08-07
48385 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Incorrect shadows in Frames/paragraphs 2013-08-07
50495 Writer formatti issues CONF --- Values of field styles are not correctly printed through Templ. Organizer 2013-08-07
This result was limited to 500 issues. See all search results for this query.


File a new issue in the "formatting" component of the "Writer" product