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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15
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_aDevice - variable in class ::osl::VolumeInfo
_aHandle - variable in class ::osl::VolumeDevice
_aInfo - variable in class ::osl::VolumeInfo
_aPath - variable in class ::osl::File
_aStatus - variable in class ::osl::FileStatus
_aTypes - variable in class ::cppu::OTypeCollection
_bUseEthernetAddress - variable in class ::cppu::OImplementationId
_handle - variable in class ::rtl::Bootstrap
_mutex - variable in class ::JavaVMContext
_nMask - variable in class ::osl::VolumeInfo
_nMask - variable in class ::osl::FileStatus
_oslDateTime - struct
_oslFileStatus - struct
_oslModule - struct
_oslVolumeInfo - struct
_pData - variable in class ::osl::File
_pEnv - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Environment
_pInterface - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::BaseReference
_pJavaVM - variable in class ::JavaVMContext
_pMapping - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Mapping
_pSeq - variable in class ::cppu::OImplementationId
_pSequence - variable in class ::rtl::ByteSequence
_pSequence - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence
_pType - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Type
_pTypeDescr - variable in class ::com::sun::star::uno::TypeDescription
_registeredThreadMap - variable in class ::JavaVMContext
_rtl_Locale - struct
_rtl_ModuleCount - struct
_rtl_StandardModuleCount - struct
_rtl_String - struct
_rtl_TestResult - struct
_rtl_TestResult_vtable - struct
_rtl_TextEncodingInfo - struct
_rtl_uString - struct
_sal_Sequence - struct
_typelib_ArrayTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_CompoundMember_Init - struct
_typelib_CompoundTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_EnumTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_IndirectTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_InterfaceAttributeTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_InterfaceMemberTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_InterfaceMethodTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_InterfaceTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_MethodParameter - struct
_typelib_Parameter_Init - struct
_typelib_TypeClass - enum
_typelib_TypeDescription - struct
_typelib_TypeDescriptionReference - struct
_typelib_Uik - struct
_typelib_UnionTypeDescription - struct
_typelib_Union_Init - struct
_uno_Any - struct
_uno_Environment - struct
_uno_ExtEnvironment - struct
_uno_Interface - struct
_uno_Mapping - struct
__ByteSequence_NoAcquire - enum in namespace ::rtl
__ByteSequence_NoAcquire - enum in class ::rtl::ByteSequence
__ByteSequence_NoDefault - enum in namespace ::rtl
__ByteSequence_NoDefault - enum in class ::rtl::ByteSequence
__osl_socket_NoCopy - enum in namespace ::osl
__query - function in class ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference
__rtl_CipherAlgorithm - enum
__rtl_CipherAlgorithm - enum
__rtl_CipherDirection - enum
__rtl_CipherDirection - enum
__rtl_CipherError - enum
__rtl_CipherError - enum
__rtl_CipherMode - enum
__rtl_CipherMode - enum
__rtl_DigestAlgorithm - enum
__rtl_DigestAlgorithm - enum
__rtl_DigestError - enum
__rtl_DigestError - enum
__rtl_RandomError - enum
__rtl_RandomError - enum
__sal_NoAcquire - enum
__store_AccessMode - enum
__store_AccessMode - enum
__store_Error - enum
__store_Error - enum
__store_FindData - struct
__UnoReference_NoAcquire - enum in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
__UnoReference_Query - enum in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
__UnoType_NoAcquire - enum in namespace ::com::sun::star::uno
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