Every UCB Content supports a set of commands. A UCB client
css::ucb::XCommandProcessor::execute(...) if it wants the
content to execute a command. Errors occurring while executing a command
are managed using exceptions.
Any exceptions can be used by a UCP implementation to interact with
a UCB client. For example, if a file should be written to disk (using UCB's
command) and another file with the same name already exists, an exception
could be used to query the user whether he wants to overwrite the existing
file. If the user confirms, the file will be overwritten, if he rejects,
the insert command will be aborted.
Exceptions generally should be handed over to an
implementation, which generally was obtained from a command's environment
(css::ucb::XCommandEnvironment. If no Interaction handler is available
or if the Interaction Handler did not handle the request, the exception
must be thrown directly. This will always aborts the command. Using an
Interaction Handler has the advantage, that additional data can be supplied
to the command implementation without the need to abort and to retry the
command (after supplying the missing data). The data supplied to the requesting
code either may lead in continuing or aborting the command.
A css::task::XInteractionHandler handles css::task::XInteractionRequests.
An Interaction Request contains an exception (the request) and a number
of css::task::XInteractionContinuations, which define the responses
that can be used to "answer" the request. There are some standard continuations
defined, which are namely
css::task::XInteractionAbort, css::task::XInteractionRetry,
css::task::XInteractionDisapprove. For example, for a GUI Interaction
Handler these continuations could be assigned to buttons in a message box
(Approve equals "Yes" button, Disapprove equals "No" button, ...). The
Interaction Handler code does some work dependent on the kind of request
and the possible continuations (like displaying a login dialog and supplying
the data entered to the authentication request),
selects one of
the continuations provided and returns. The code that called the Interaction
Handler now can act according to the kind of continuation that was previously
selected. Not every Interaction Handler implementation must be able to
handle all requests. If an Interaction Handler cannot handle a request,
no continuation will be selected after the call to XInteractionHandler::handle(
... ). In this case the code that called the Interaction Handler must act
as if no handler were available and throw the exception that was previously
passed to the Interaction Handler.
For exceptions located in the module com::sun::star::ucb, the
member Context (which is introduced by the base class of all UNO
exceptions � css::uno::Exception) should be filled with the command processor
(css::ucb::XCommandProcessor implementation) that executes the command.
The following pseudo code illustrates how to proceed with an error:
// Create the exception to propagate...
xxxxException aEx( ... );
xxxxContinuation aCont;
// Obtain Interaction Handler
uno::Reference< task::XInteractionHandler > xIH = ...
bool bSelection = false;
if ( xIH.is() )
// IH available. Create Interaction Request.
xxxxRequest aReq = ...( aEx, ... );
// Pass over the request to the IH.
xIH.handle( aReq );
// Get selected continuation
aCont = aReq.getSelection();
// Was IH able to handle the request?
if ( aCont.is() )
bSelection = true;
// Act according to bSelection and aCont
bool bSuccess = ...;
if ( !bSuccess )
if ( !bSelection )
// No IH or IH did not handle exception.
throw aEx;
// IH handled the selection.
throw ucb::CommandFailedException( aEx );
// Continue...
There is a number of predefined exceptions for the well-known
UCB Commands. Every new command introduced by a UCB Content implementation
can also introduce new exceptions. If these exceptions are interactive,
there is the problem, that any existing Interaction Handlers most possibly
won't be able to handle them. Thus reusing existing interactive exceptions
should be the way of choice whenever possible.
The implementation of a command should use the predefined exception
for the appropriate error condition whenever possible. But It can use any
other exceptions, for example, if there is no matching predefined exception
for a concrete error condition.
All commands
The following exceptions can be thrown by all UCB Commands:
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::UnsupportedCommandException |
Thrown if the requested command is not supported by a content. |
css::lang::IllegalArgumentException |
Thrown if the data type of the given command's argument does not match
the command's definition. |
css::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException |
Used to indicate IO errors (exception contains an css::ucb::IOErrorCode) |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkResolveNameException |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkConnectException |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkReadException |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkWriteException |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkGeneralException |
css::ucb:InteractiveNetworkOffLineException |
css::ucb::AuthenticationRequest |
Used to collect missing authentication information. An implementation
of css::ucb::XInteractionSupplyAuthentication (that will be filled by the
Interaction Handler with the missing data) should be supplied with the
continuations. |
Exceptions, that are never passed to an Interaction Handler:
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::CommandFailedException |
Thrown if the execution of the command failed (but only after communication
with an Interaction Handler). This exception contains the "original" exception
that was passed to the Interaction Handler. |
css::ucb::CommandAbortedException |
Thrown if the execution of the command was ended by calling css::ucb::XCommandProcessor::abort(). |
css::ucb::DuplicateCommandIdentifierException |
Thrown if two threads passed the same (non-zero) command identifier
to css::ucb::XCommandProcessor::execute(). |
No special exceptions defined.
No special exceptions defined.
No special exceptions defined. Note that most error handling (except command
name and parameter checking ) is done using the css::sdbc::XRow implementation
returned by this command.
Note that setPropertyValues does not throw an exception in the case
that one or more of the requested property values cannot be set! The
implementation should set as much property values as possible. This command
returns a sequence< any > which has exactly the same number of
elements like the number of properties to set. Every sequence element contains
the status for a property. The first sequence elements corresponds to the
first element in the sequence of
css::beans::PropertyValues passed
as command argument and so on. The exceptions will never be passed to an
Interaction Handler by the implementation of the setPropertyValues command.
An any containing:
No value indicates, that the property value was set successfully.
css::beans::UnknownPropertyException indicates, that the property
is not known to the content implementation.
css::beans::IllegalTypeException indicates, that the data type of
the property value is not acceptable.
css::lang::IllegalAccessException indicates, that the property is
constant (css::beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY is set).
css::lang::IllegalArgumentException indicates, that the property
value is not acceptable. For instance, setting an empty title may be illegal.
Any other execption derived from css::uno::Exception indicates,
that the value was not set successfully. For example, this can be a css::ucb::InteractiveAugmentedIOException
transporting the error code css::ucb::IOErrorCode::ACCESS_DENIED.
If the value to set is equal to the current value, no exception must be
added to the returned sequence
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::UnsupportedOpenModeException |
Used to indicate that the requested css::ucb::OpenMode is not supported. |
css::ucb::UnsupportedDataSinkException |
Used to indicate that the type of data sink supplied is not supported. |
No special exceptions defined.
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::MissingPropertiesException |
Used if one or more properties were not set that are needed to make
the content persistent (like the name for a newly created file). The exception
transports a list of property names. |
css::ucb::MissingInputStreamException |
Used if no css::io::XInputStream was given with the command argument,
but is required. |
css::ucb::UnsupportedNameClashException |
Used if the parameter ReplaceExisting of the command's argument
was set to false and the implementation is unable to determine whether
there are existing data. The member NameClash of the exception must
be set to NameClash::ERROR.
Must also be thrown in case the requested nameclash is just not yet
implemented (a missing feature, so to speak). |
css::ucb::NameClashException |
Used if the parameter ReplaceExisting of the command's argument
was set to false and there exists a resource with a clashing name
in the target folder of the operation. |
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::InteractiveBadTransferURLException |
Used if the Source URL given with the command's argument is not supported
by the command's implementation. For example, an FTP-UCP needs not be able
to handle other URLs then FTP-URLs. |
css::ucb::UnsupportedNameClashException |
Used if the nameclash directive specified in parameter NameClash
of command's argument is not supported. For example, if the NameClash
was set to NameClash::ERROR, to NameClash::RENAME or to NameClash::ASK,
the implementation must be able determine whether there are existing data.
This exception must also used if NameClash::RENAME was specified
and the implementation is unable to create a valid new name after a suitable
number of tries.
It must also be thrown in case the requested nameclash is just not yet
implemented (a missing feature, so to speak). |
css::ucb::NameClashException |
Used if the parameter NameClash of the command's argument was
set to NameClash::ERROR and there exists a resource with a clashing
name in the target folder of the operation. |
css::ucb::NameClashResolveRequest |
If the parameter NameClash of the command's argument was set
to NameClashh::ASK this interaction request can be used to obtain
a new name. Implementations of css::ucb::XInteractionSupplyName and css::ucb::XInteractionReplaceExistingData
(that will be filled by the Interaction Handler with the missing data)
should be supplied with the continuations. |
Exception |
Description |
css::ucb::UnsupportedNameClashException |
Used if the nameclash directive specified in parameter NameClash
of command's argument is not supported. For example, if the NameClash
was set to NameClash::ERROR, to NameClash::RENAME or to NameClash::ASK,
the implementation must be able determine whether there are existing data.
This exception must also used if NameClash::RENAME was specified
and the implementation is unable to create a valid new name after a suitable
number of tries. |
css::ucb::NameClashException |
Used if the parameter NameClash of the command's argument was
set to NameClash::ERROR and there exists a resource with a clashing
name in the target folder of the operation. |
css::ucb::NameClashResolveRequest |
If the parameter NameClash of the command's argument was set
to NameClashh::ASK this interaction request can be used to obtain
a new name. Implementations of css::ucb::XInteractionSupplyName and css::ucb::XInteractionReplaceExistingData
(that will be filled by the Interaction Handler with the missing data)
should be supplied with the continuations. |
Not yet specified. Will be done later. (No implementations yet.)
Not yet specified. Will be done later. (No implementations yet.)
Not yet specified. Will be done later. (No implementations yet.)
Not yet specified. Will be done later. (No implementations yet.)
Not yet specified. Will be done later. (No implementations yet.) |