
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

CVS Module Structure

The following sections describe the general file structure of modules.

Top Level Module Directory Structure

The following table lists the subdirectories of a typical module directory, and describes the contents of those subdirectories. You can also view an illustration of the module directory structure.

Directory Description
module-name The root directory of the module.
module-name/inc Contains the header files and interface descriptions for the module.
module-name/prj Contains the file d.lst. This file lists all the deliverables of the module. It details where the deliverables come from and where they go to.
module-name/source Contains source files and a makefile to compile the source.
module-name/util Linking to binaries occurs here. This directory contains a makefile that specifies how to build the module libraries or binaries.
module-name/$INPATH The name of this directory comes from the INPATH variable. The INPATH variable derives from the OUTPATH and PROEXT variables. For example, a directory called module-name/ may exist or will be created when starting to build this platform.

All compiled objects, libraries, and binaries are built into this directory. From there they are delivered to solver. For more information on this directory, see Compiled Objects or $INPATH Directory Structure.

module-name/ Contains platform-independent output, such as resource files, .jar files, and .zip files.
module-name/res Contains typical resource files such as bitmaps, icons, and cursor files.
module-name/sdi Contains View Definition Interface files.
module-name/unoidl Contains the UNO IDL compiler for .idl files, supplied with backends for C++, Java, documentation, and so on.
module-name/workben Contains test applications.
module-name/mac Contains implementation files specific to Macintosh.
module-name/os2 Contains implementation files specific to OS/2.
module-name/unx Contains implementation files specific to X Windows System.
module-name/win Contains implementation files specific to Win32.

Compiled Objects or $INPATH Directory Structure

The following table lists the subdirectories of a typical output directory, and describes the contents of those subdirectories.

Directory Description
$INPATH Root directory of the output structure.
bin Contains binary and files.
class Contains Java-compiled class and/or jar files.
dbo In the past, this directory contained debug information from the Writer project only. It is obsolete now.
dlb In the past, this directory contained debug information from the Writer project only. It is obsolete now.
doc Contains generated HTML.
dso In the past, this directory contained debug information from the Writer project only. It is obsolete now.
idl Contains Interface definition Language (IDL) files.
inc Contains project interface header files.
lib Can contain the following files:
  • .a - Contains static UNIX libraries.
  • .so - Contains shared UNIX libraries.
  • .lib - On UNIX systems, contains a list of object files. On Win32 systems, contains a collection of object files.
  • .dump - Contains the symbols within a library.
misc Contains a record of some of the commands run by the make process. This also contains the generated dependency description for this module. Typically, tools such as makedep, javadep, or rscdep generate this description. Also contains generated Java files, in a java subdirectory.
obj Contains object files.
res Contains resource files. These are organized in subdirectories named according to language codes. There are bitmaps in these subdirectories.
slb Contains .lib files. These list the objects to be compiled into a shared library. On Win32 systems, the .lib files are a collection of objects.
slo The shared library object (slo) directory contains object files that appear in shared libraries. Objects that appear in shared libraries appear in both the obj and slo directories.
srs Contains string resource files.
www Contains files published on the internet.

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