
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15




The following examples are to illustrate the use of the services involved.

Includes, Declarations ...

//includes interfaces
#include < com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/document/XTypeDetection.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/frame/XFrameLoader.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/frame/XSynchronousFrameLoader.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/document/XFilter.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/document/XImporter.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/lang/XComponent.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/container/XNameAccess.hpp>

#include < com/sun/star/container/XNameContainer.hpp>

// uno interfaces
#include < com/sun/star/uno/Reference.h>

#include < com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h>

#include < com/sun/star/uno/Any.h>

// others
#include < comphelper/processfactory.hxx>               // for getProcessServiceFactory()

// namespaces
using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno        ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang       ;
using namespace ::com::sun::star::container  ;
using namespace ::rtl                        ;
using namespace ::comphelper                 ;

// macros
#define ASCII( SSTRING )                                OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( SSTRING ))        // convert an ascii-value to unicode

Flat Detection

void example_flatDetection()
    // Create UNO-service for type detection.
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XTypeDetection > xTypeDetection( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // a) Make flat detection by URL only.
    OUString sInternalTypeName;
    sInternalTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByURL( ASCII("file:///c|/temp/test.txt") );

    // b) Make flat detection by URL and an additional search parameter.
    Sequence< PropertyValue > lDescriptor( 2 );

    lDescriptor[0].Name    = ASCII("FileName"                );
    lDescriptor[0].Value <<= ASCII("file:///c|/temp/test.txt");

    lDescriptor[1].Name    = ASCII("ContentType"             );
    lDescriptor[1].Value <<= ASCII("text/plain"              );

    sal_Bool bDeep = sal_False;

    // !!! These can add or change informations of given descriptor !!!
    sInternalTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByDescriptor( lDescriptor, bDeep );

Deep Detection

void example_deepDetection()
    // Create UNO-service for type detection.
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XTypeDetection > xTypeDetection( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Make deep detection by URL and an additional search parameter.
    Sequence< PropertyValue > lDescriptor( 2 );

    lDescriptor[0].Name    = ASCII("FileName"                );
    lDescriptor[0].Value <<= ASCII("file:///c|/temp/test.txt");

    lDescriptor[1].Name    = ASCII("ContentType"             );
    lDescriptor[1].Value <<= ASCII("text/plain"              );

    sal_Bool bDeep = sal_True;

    // !!! These can add or change informations of given descriptor !!!
    sInternalTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByDescriptor( lDescriptor, bDeep );

Search for and Use of a FrameLoader Object

void example_loadDocument()
    // Create UNO-services for type detection and loading document.
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XTypeDetection >       xTypeDetection( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII(""  ) ), UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xLoaderFactory( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Make deep detection by URL only.
    Sequence< PropertyValue > lDescriptor( 1 );

    lDescriptor[0].Name    = ASCII("FileName"                );
    lDescriptor[0].Value <<= ASCII("file:///c|/temp/test.txt");

    sal_Bool bDeep = sal_True;

    sInternalTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByDescriptor( lDescriptor, bDeep );

    // Search registered loader and create it.
    Reference< XInterface > xLoaderInterface( xLoaderFactory->createInstance( sInternalTypeName ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Check for supported load mechanism by this implementation? [async/sync]
    Reference< XSynchronousFrameLoader > xSyncLoader ( xLoaderInterface, UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XFrameLoader >            xAsyncLoader( xLoaderInterface, UNO_QUERY );

    // Don't forget to create a new target frame to load document in it!
    // Use findFrame() or queryDispatch() mechanism to do that.
    Reference< XFrame > xTarget = ...;

    if( == sal_True )
        sal_Bool bState = xSyncLoader->load( lDescriptor, xTarget );
    if( == sal_True )
        xAsyncLoader->load( xTarget                          ,
                            lDescriptor                      ,
                            this                             ); // We must support XLoadEventListener interface to get information about succesful loading!

Search for and Use of a Filter Object

void example_filterDocument()
    // Create UNO-services for type detection and loading document.
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XTypeDetection >       xTypeDetection( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xFilterFactory( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Make deep detection by URL only.
    Sequence< PropertyValue > lDescriptor( 1 );

    lDescriptor[0].Name    = ASCII("FileName"                );
    lDescriptor[0].Value <<= ASCII("file:///c|/temp/test.txt");

    sal_Bool bDeep = sal_True;

    sInternalTypeName = xTypeDetection->queryTypeByDescriptor( lDescriptor, bDeep );

    // Search registered filter and create it.
    // We will use it as an import filter here! cast it to right interface ...
    Reference< XFilter >   xFilter      ( xFilterFactory->createInstance( sInternalTypeName ), UNO_QUERY );
    Reference< XImporter > xImportFilter( xFilter                                            , UNO_QUERY );

    // We must create the document service which is used by these filter.
    // These information is available as a property of created filter!
    Reference< XPropertySet > xFilterProperties( xFilter, UNO_QUERY );
    OUString sDocumentService;
    xFilterProperties->getPropertyValue( ASCII("DocumentService") ) >>= sDocumentService;
    Reference< XComponent > xDocument( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( sDocumentService ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Set target document service at import filter
    // and start filter operation.
    // (xImportFilter and xFilter are the same objects - but different interfaces!)
    xImportFilter->setTargetDocument( xDocument );
    sal_Bool bState = xFilter->filter( lDescriptor );

Reading the Filter Configuration

void example_readFilterCFG()
    // Create UNO-services FilterFactory - support name container interface too!
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XNameAccess > xFilterContainer( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Step over all registered filters.
    Sequence< OUString > lFilterNames = xFilterContainer->getElementNames();
    sal_Int32            nNameCount   = lFilterNames.getLength()           ;

    for( sal_Int32 nName = 0; nName < nNameCount; ++nName )
        // Get all properties of current filter as Sequence< PropertyValue >.
        // Step over all these properties and copy values to local variables.
        Sequence< PropertyValue > lProperties;
        xFilterContainer->getByName( lFilterNames[ nName ] ) >>= lProperties;

        OUString             sType              ;
        OUString             sUIName            ;
        OUString             sDocumentService   ;
        OUString             sFilterService     ;
        sal_Int32            nFlags             ;
        Sequence< OUString > lUserData          ;
        sal_Int32            nFileFormatVersion ;
        OUString             sTemplateName      ;

        sal_Int32 nPropertyCount = lProperties.getLength();
        for( sal_Int32 nProperty = 0; nProperty < nPropertyCount; ++nProperty )
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("Type") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= sType;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("UIName") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= sUIName;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("DocumentService") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= sDocumentService;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("FilterService") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= sFilterService;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("Flags") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= nFlags;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("UserData") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= lUserData;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("FileFormatVersion") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= nFileFormatVersion;
            if( lProperties[ nProperty ].Name == ASCII("TemplateName") )
                lProperties[ nProperty ].Value >>= sTemplateName;

Registering a New Filter

void example_registerFilter()
    // Create UNO-services FilterFactory - support name container interface too!
    // Use global servicemanager as factory and cast return value to right interface.
    Reference< XNameContainer > xFilterContainer( getProcessServiceFactory()->createInstance( ASCII("") ), UNO_QUERY );

    // Define all properties and values of new filter.
    OUString             sType              = ASCII("type_to_register_for"          );
    OUString             sUIName            = ASCII("Own Filter"                    );
    OUString             sDocumentService   = ASCII("");
    OUString             sFilterService     = ASCII(""  );
    sal_Int32            nFlags             = 0                                      ;
    sal_Int32            nFileFormatVersion = 0                                      ;
    OUString             sTemplateName      = OUString()                             ;
    Sequence< OUString > lUserData          = Sequence< OUString >()                 ;

    // Pack it into a Sequence< PropertyValue > to support format of interface method.
    // Order of elements in sequence isnt important ... We differ it by names only!
    // You don't must give us all properties - we use default values for missing ones.
    Sequence< PropertyValue > lProperties[8];

    lProperties[0].Name    = ASCII("Type")             ;
    lProperties[0].Value <<= sType                     ;

        Register a human readable filtername for current the locale by using the
        property „UIName“ or use the property "UINames" to set it for different
        In the current build using „UINames“ does not work due to problems
        in the configuration service, so currently always use „UIName“ !

    // set UIName for current locale
    lProperties[1].Name    = ASCII("UIName")           ;
    lProperties[1].Value <<= sUIName                   ;

    // set UINames for different locales – but not in current build, see above
    //    - name of property is an identifier for the locale
    //    - value is the value for these locale
    // Sequence< PropertyValue > lUINames[2];
    // lUINames[0].Name    = ASCII("de-DE"      );
    // lUINames[0].Value <<= ASCII("Mein UIName");
    // lUINames[1].Name    = ASCII("en-US"      );
    // lUINames[1].Value <<= ASCII("my UIName"  );
    // lProperties[1].Name    = ASCII("UINames");
    // lProperties[1].Value <<= lUINames;

    lProperties[2].Name    = ASCII("DocumentService")  ;
    lProperties[2].Value <<= sDocumentService          ;

    lProperties[3].Name    = ASCII("FilterService")    ;
    lProperties[3].Value <<= sFilterService            ;

    lProperties[4].Name    = ASCII("Flags")            ;
    lProperties[4].Value <<= nFlags                    ;

    lProperties[5].Name    = ASCII("UserData")         ;
    lProperties[5].Value <<= lUserData                 ;

    lProperties[6].Name    = ASCII("FileFormatVersion");
    lProperties[6].Value <<= nFileFormatVersion        ;

    lProperties[7].Name    = ASCII("TemplateName")     ;
    lProperties[7].Value <<= sTemplateName             ;

    // Pack Sequence< PropertyValue > into an any and insert these new filter.
    // Give us a filter name too ... but check for already existing ones before!
    // Otherwise follow call throw an ElementExistException!
    // (use XNameAccess to do that)
    Any aPropertySet;
    aPropertySet <<= lProperties;
    xFilterContainer->insertByName( ASCII("my_own_Filter"), aPropertySet );




   Andreas Schlüns


last modification


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