
The Free and Open Productivity Suite
Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15



Tips ‘n’ Tricks


:: com :: sun :: star :: form :: binding ::

unpublished service ListEntrySource
Usage Restrictions
not published
defines a component which provides a list of string entries

Exported Interfaces - Summary

allows read access to the entries represented by this component


allows life time control for the component (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
allows read access to the entries represented by this component
allows life time control for the component

An ListEntrySource will be known to one ore more components supporting the XListEntrySink interface, which all work with this source. However, they will not own the ListEntrySource. The ownership is with another instance, which may also decide to obsolete the ListEntrySource for whatever reasons (e.g. because the data model which the binding reflected died). For this reason, a ListEntrySource must offer a possibility to be obsoleted by it's owner, and to notify this obsoletion to other interested parties, such as XListEntrySinks.

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