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Released: Apache OpenOffice 4.1.15

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How do I print my spreadsheets?

In general, the best way to print large spreadsheets is to first preview the print output, then adjust the print settings to arrive at the desired effect. The following mini-procedures explain the main options for printing spreadsheets.

Previewing the print area:

Note: This command will allow you to see the current page number assignments for the data that you want to print. This is especially useful when only a portion of the spreadsheet is to be printed, or when several print ranges are associated with one Calc file.

Formatting the page:

Adjusting the page breaks:

Note: If everything appears gray, this means that no print ranges are defined. If a print range is defined, the printing area will show up with a white background with a blue outline at the page boundary. A gray 'Page N', where 'N' is the page sequence number for the sheet, will appear in the middle of the print area. If no range is defined for printing, follow the instructions below.

Setting the area to be printed:

Adjusting the printout to fit onto one page:

Adjusting the maximum number of pages on which the print should fit:

Printing only a portion of the spreadsheet (a range of rows or columns):

Note: Printing a selected range of data is also controlled by print scaling. If the data selected does not fit on the desired number of pages, adjust the Scale using either of the scaling procedures above (scale by percentage or by number of pages allowed).

Editing the print range:

Printing a spreadsheet in the middle of the paper:

For more information:

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