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interface XSessionManagerListener
Base Interfaces
┗ ::com::sun::star::lang::XEventListener

(referenced interface's summary:)
base interface for all event listeners interfaces.

Methods' Summary
doSave doSave gets called when a save event was issued by the session manager the listener should do what is necessary to restore the current state of the application  
approveInteraction approveInteraction is called when an outstanding interaction request was processed by the session manager  
shutdownCanceled shutdownCanceled is called when a shutdown was canceled by the user The listener can cancel his saving operations. No further interaction is necessary and further calls on the session manager client service object will be ignored.  
doRestore returns true, if a session was restored  
Methods' Details
[oneway] void
doSave( [in] boolean  bShutdown,
[in] boolean  bCancelable );

doSave gets called when a save event was issued by the session manager the listener should do what is necessary to restore the current state of the application

If the listener desires to interact with the user it must first issue a user interaction request and only do so if interaction was granted

When the save request is processed (with or without user interaction) the listener must call XSessionManagerClient::saveDone() on the session manager client service object.

Parameter bShutdown
true if a shutdown is in progress, false if just a save point was requested
Parameter bCancelable
true if a shutdown in progress can be canceled by the listener, false else

the listener may choose to ignore the saveDone event in case no real shutdown is in progress. He still has to call XSessionManagerClient::saveDone() in that case.

See also
XSessionManagerClient, XSessionManagerClient::saveDone()
[oneway] void
approveInteraction( [in] boolean  bInteractionGranted );

approveInteraction is called when an outstanding interaction request was processed by the session manager
Parameter bInteractionGranted
If false the listener must not interact with the user. If true the listener can interact with the user now. After interaction the listener must call XSessionManagerClient::interactionDone on the session manager client service object.
See also
XSessionManagerClient, XSessionManagerClient::interactionDone()
[oneway] void

shutdownCanceled is called when a shutdown was canceled by the user The listener can cancel his saving operations. No further interaction is necessary and further calls on the session manager client service object will be ignored.

returns true, if a session was restored
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