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:: com :: sun :: star :: animations ::

unpublished interface XTransitionFilter
Base Interfaces
      ┗ ::com::sun::star::container::XChild

(referenced interface's summary:)
Interface for generic animation.
Usage Restrictions
not published
Base members XAnimate::Values, XAnimate::From, XAnimate::To and XAnimate::By can be used with double values that set the transition progress the specific amount of time.
See also

Attributes' Summary
Transition This is the type or family of transition.
This attribute is required and must be one of the transition families listed in TransitionType.  
Subtype This is the subtype of the transition.
This must be one of the transition subtypes appropriate for the specified Type as listed in TransitionSubType. TransitionSubType::DEFAULT is the default.  
Mode Indicates whether the transitionFilter's parent element will transition in or out. Legal values are true indicating that the parent media will become more visible as the transition progress increases and false indicating that the parent media will become less visible as the transition progress increases. The default value is true.  
Direction This specifies the direction the transition will run.
The legal values are true for forward and false for reverse. The default value is true. Note that this does not impact the media being transitioned to, but only affects the geometry of the transition. Transitions which do not have a reverse interpretation should ignore the direction attribute and assume the default value of true.  
FadeColor If the value of the Type attribute is TransitionType::FADE and the value of the Subtype attribute is TransitionSubType::FADETOCOLOR or TransitionSubType::FADEFROMCOLOR, then this attribute specifies the starting or ending color of the fade. The default value is 0 (black).  
Attributes' Details
short Transition;
This is the type or family of transition.
This attribute is required and must be one of the transition families listed in TransitionType.
short Subtype;
This is the subtype of the transition.
This must be one of the transition subtypes appropriate for the specified Type as listed in TransitionSubType. TransitionSubType::DEFAULT is the default.
boolean Mode;
Indicates whether the transitionFilter's parent element will transition in or out. Legal values are true indicating that the parent media will become more visible as the transition progress increases and false indicating that the parent media will become less visible as the transition progress increases. The default value is true.
boolean Direction;
This specifies the direction the transition will run.
The legal values are true for forward and false for reverse. The default value is true. Note that this does not impact the media being transitioned to, but only affects the geometry of the transition. Transitions which do not have a reverse interpretation should ignore the direction attribute and assume the default value of true.
long FadeColor;
If the value of the Type attribute is TransitionType::FADE and the value of the Subtype attribute is TransitionSubType::FADETOCOLOR or TransitionSubType::FADEFROMCOLOR, then this attribute specifies the starting or ending color of the fade. The default value is 0 (black).
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