Issue 24256 - Exporting to HTML should turn Formulae into MathML (not GIFs)
Summary: Exporting to HTML should turn Formulae into MathML (not GIFs)
Alias: None
Product: Math
Classification: Application
Component: code (show other issues)
Version: OOo 1.1
Hardware: All All
: P4 Trivial with 34 votes (vote)
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: AOO issues mailing list
QA Contact:
Keywords: rfe_eval_ok
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Reported: 2004-01-09 20:20 UTC by dcarrera
Modified: 2013-08-07 14:54 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

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Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---

export test with embedded MathML (Writer2Latex export filter, includes also XHTML+MathML 2.0) (5.18 KB, text/xml)
2004-01-26 22:20 UTC, frank7
no flags Details

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Description dcarrera 2004-01-09 20:20:42 UTC
When formulae are exported to image formats such as GIFs the result displays
poorly.  I have tested this with PNGs also of various sizes, both RGB and
indexed, and they all display poorly unless the image is large.

I think that this is a limitation of image file formats intended for the web. 
Only the simplest text can be exported to an image and still look alright.

The best solution is to simply export formulae as MathML.  Or at least have the
option (maybe in Tools > Options) to do so.  This shouldn't be hard since OOo
already uses MathML to save formulae.

This issue limits the use of OOo in university settings.
Comment 1 dcarrera 2004-01-09 20:23:40 UTC
I'm setting the target milestone to 1.1.2 because this issue doesn't look too
difficult to fix.  It's the kind of simpler fixes that should (I think) go into
the 1.1.x branch.
Comment 2 thomas.lange 2004-01-22 14:47:55 UTC
TL->BH: request for enhancement. To you.
Comment 3 frank7 2004-01-26 22:14:25 UTC
This already works fine with the Latex export filter, which includes the "XHTML
1.1 + MathML 2.0" export filter. It appears in the File->Export dialog. See Bug
24813. The exported XHTML successfully renders in my Mozilla 1.6 browser. With
this combination I could avoid the ugly formula-GIF for the first time. As far
as I know, Mozilla requires the strict XML-based XHTML variant for in-line
MathML formulas. Just HTML like in the current OO export is not sufficient. I
checked already with embedding some MathML-code into HTML pages, didn't work.
The XHTML-export from the Latex filter package is the only choice at the moment
to realize the MathML formula export and avoid the ugly GIF images. The integral
symbol could be more pretty in Mozilla, it's not a true Tex renderer. Future
MathML engines would render it better for sure.

Up to now you have to patch OO manually by adding some files (recompilation not
necessary) to the OO distribution. See the dependency tree for more info. I hope
that it will be included in the OO distribution soon.
Comment 4 frank7 2004-01-26 22:20:19 UTC
Created attachment 12742 [details]
export test with embedded MathML (Writer2Latex export filter, includes also XHTML+MathML 2.0)
Comment 5 frank7 2004-01-26 22:34:58 UTC
Oh, I forgot to mention that you need a standards-compliant browser to see the
formula inside of the attachment. With "Internet Exploder" you see only rubbish.
IE does not know anything about MathML, Microsoft does not like standards. Newer
Netscape's, Mozilla 1.6 & Mozilla Firebird 0.7 will display it, some older
versions too. It's not as good as Tex typesetting however, don't expect too
much. If the Math symbol fonts are too ugly, check this out:
Comment 6 bettina.haberer 2004-01-28 13:45:02 UTC
Hello frank7, this issue is considered for Office later. 
But please, never never again touch the status field of an issue! That field is
only to be set by development or user experience. If you set this flag, you say,
that you are going to implement this feature. 
Comment 7 dcarrera 2004-01-29 01:40:35 UTC
Could someone explain to me why this is "OOo Later".  Is it difficult to change
Comment 8 frank7 2004-01-30 22:00:14 UTC
@dcarrera: good news for you, this feature already exists, as you can see in the
attachment I created. It's a XHTML/MathML export filter in the "File -> Export"
menu. However, you have to integrate the export filter manually, see here:

Don't worry, you don't have to recompile, just copy 2 jar-files and one xcu-file
into an existing StarOffice or OO 1.1 installation. About the difficulty : I did
it in < 10 minutes.

@bh: are you a Microsoft agent? Or what's your explanation to set this issue to
one of the lowest priorities P4+OOLater and blocking my account for writing ?
That is not very cooperative style. Similar motivation to support math standards
I see only at our most beloved company Microsoft. I don't understand your
argument that I should implement this feature. This feature IS implemented. It
is just ignored up to now and waits for inclusion into the main distribution. 

I offer my support to test it on our Linux and Windows machines. This is
critical for us now, because we have to decide between OpenOffice+Latex-Export
and MicrosoftOffice+word2tex-filter. MS+filter has a slightly better Latex
support while OO+filter offers additional MathML support. Price is not important
to us, just functionality and standards-compliance. It will be difficult to
convince the institute staff and the procurement department if this feature is
just an "unofficial patch" to Staroffic/OO.

Comment 9 svante.schubert 2006-02-08 15:12:13 UTC
Take over mathml export, as to investigate if the usage of the W3C mathml
content to mathml presentation transformation could be used in the XHTML export.
This might would enable mathml in larger scale in modern browsers as Firefox.
Comment 10 svante.schubert 2006-02-08 15:31:51 UTC
Comment 11 svante.schubert 2006-02-08 15:34:09 UTC
Removed dependency as 24813 does only integrate two LaTeX export filter (BibTeX
and LaTeX 2e) and no XHTML export.
Comment 12 kami911 2006-06-08 07:54:33 UTC
Are you planning to integrate into OOo the second half of Writer2Latex filter
which handles XHTM and MathML? I think the old and new formula export can go
Comment 13 kami911 2007-06-18 07:34:46 UTC
... for example they can be checkbox selectable. MathML should be the default IHMO.
Comment 14 svante.schubert 2007-06-18 11:23:52 UTC
Hi kami_,
AFAIK the writer2latex export is one filter, the xhtml 1.1 and mathml is a
different export filter. When added to the office they should be added as an
equivalent filter not as a subgroup. No checkbox selection is required for
equivalent filters.

If we would add it as further filter, we nned to make sure the quality would
justify an exchange of the current xhtml export filter. From what I have seen
last year it was no superset of functionality, but you might prove me wrong.

Regarding the mathml functionality it is an independent XSL module from the W3C,
which can be added to any other XML based filter, as well to the existing XHTML

Comment 15 kami911 2007-06-20 17:53:52 UTC
henrikjust: Can you do a miracle again? :o)
Comment 16 svante.schubert 2007-06-20 19:31:03 UTC
Kami I can not follow you. 
Mathml will be added to the current XSLT XHTML export, by reusing the same
module Henrik had used. 
Is there any further problem you refer to Henrik I have overseen?

Comment 17 callow.mark 2012-11-05 04:02:16 UTC
Why is this still not fixed? MathML is now supported by all major browsers, except, it seems, IE. (Possibly IE 10 does. I have only been able to try IE8 and IE9.) It is 5 years since the last comment was added to this bug report.

Please include the filter mentioned in comment #8 in the next release. It's probably better to have this as an option for XHTML export rather than a separate export type.
Comment 18 Regina Henschel 2012-11-05 23:31:52 UTC
(In reply to comment #17)
> Why is this still not fixed?

Because no one is interested in working on the html filter.
 MathML is now supported by all major browsers,
> except, it seems, IE. (Possibly IE 10 does. I have only been able to try IE8
> and IE9.) It is 5 years since the last comment was added to this bug report.

To get all in one converting use export to XHTML. Or if you only need one formula save it to MathML directly from the context menu of the formula.

> Please include the filter mentioned in comment #8 in the next release.

That is not possible, because it has an unsuitable license.
Comment 19 callow.mark 2012-11-06 02:15:50 UTC
Thanks for taking the time to respond. I did not look at the XHTML export carefully enough. It is indeed using MathML. I had thought the equations were in the data: URI images in the export. My apologies for my error.

XTHML export is what I am using and when seeking to file a bug against that, I found this apparent duplicate.