Issue 6239

Summary: OpenOffice hangs CDE dtsession process on CDE logout
Product: gsl Reporter: shhebl <steve.hebl>
Component: codeAssignee: ulf.stroehler
Status: CLOSED FIXED QA Contact: issues@ui <issues>
Severity: Trivial    
Priority: P3 CC: christof.pintaske, issues, jk
Version: OOo 1.0.0Keywords: oooqa
Target Milestone: OOo 1.1 Beta   
Hardware: Sun   
OS: Solaris   
Issue Type: PATCH Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---
Description Flags
patch to set WM_SAVE_YOURSELF on only one SalFrame top level window none

Description shhebl 2002-07-01 23:40:44 UTC
If you logout while OpenOffice is still running, the CDE "dtsession" process
will consume all available CPU for a long period of time.  I've seen it take
from one to eight minutes.  Eventually whatever it is doing completes or times
out without intervention.  Logout when OpenOffice is not running takes only a
few seconds.  Running Solaris 8 10/01 and CDE 1.4.  Patch 109354-11 for
dtsession is installed.  The most current revision is -14, but the README file
does not show any fixes in -12, -13 or -14 that sound related to this problem.

A workaround is to kill OpenOffice from a CDE sessionexit script.  My solution
is to put the following command into /etc/dt/config/sessionexit:

/usr/bin/pkill soffice.bin
Comment 1 thorsten.martens 2002-07-02 13:28:05 UTC
I will have a look !
Comment 2 thorsten.martens 2002-07-02 13:31:56 UTC
I´ve checked this problem, using an internal OO 1.0.1 running on
Solaris 8 with CDE 1.4 and found it non reproducible. Loging out
without OO running takes 2-3 seconds. Loging out with a running OO
takes 15-20 seconds.
Please verify this problem when OpenOffice 1.0.1 is available.
Comment 3 shhebl 2002-07-03 16:36:44 UTC
You changed this issue to "RESOLVED" with resolution "WORKSFORME", but
according to your own test, OO added 15 seconds to the logout
process.  No application should add more than a second or two to the
logout process.  The only thing the application needs to do is respond
to the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF message from CDE's session manager.  As I
stated in the description, I found the length of wait time quite
variable even on a single machine.  You are testing on a different
machine that might well have a faster CPU than mine, plus different
Solaris and OO patches that might greatly affect the overall
performance.  If you still don't agree this is a DEFECT, then change
the issue type to ENHANCEMENT.  This is something that needs to be
fixed, either by Sun or by OOo, wherever the problem might be.
Comment 4 thorsten.martens 2002-08-01 10:39:43 UTC
TM->FT: As talked to the development section, the here mentioned time
for shutdown is needed to close all internal running tasks properly.
So, this one is a wish for an enhancement but not a bug.
Comment 5 jkeil 2002-08-28 16:31:17 UTC
I've seen that as well.  It hangs there during CDE logoff for ~60
seconds.  top
shows that dtsession is comsuming all the time:

last pid: 23194;  load averages:  0.46,  0.27,  0.14                 
65 processes:  60 sleeping, 1 running, 1 zombie, 2 stopped, 1 on cpu
CPU states: 49.5% idle, 27.6% user, 22.8% kernel,  0.1% iowait,  0.0% swap
Memory: 1536M real, 826M free, 545M swap in use, 4758M swap free

 23084 jk         5   0    0 7072K 5000K run      0:18 29.47% dtsession
 22990 root       1  59    0   79M   19M sleep    0:01  0.35% Xsun
 23096 jk         7  49    0   77M   35M sleep    0:03  0.29% soffice.bin
 23091 jk         8  59    0 8220K 6680K sleep    0:00  0.02% dtwm

In $HOME/.dt/errorlog the following message from dtsession appears:

Mit Aug 28 16:45:16 2002
dtsession: Session restoration information not updated for client
unbenannt1 - O 1.0.1 .  Invalid information may be saved.

A truss on dtsession shows that dtsession is waiting for an "I/O
ready" condition
on several file descriptors

gettimeofday(0x08046B00)                        = 0
poll(0x080467D4, 3, 0)                          = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
gettimeofday(0x08046B00)                        = 0
poll(0x080467D4, 3, 0)                          = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
gettimeofday(0x08046B00)                        = 0
poll(0x080467D4, 3, 0)                          = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(4, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
ioctl(5, FIONREAD, 0x08046AB4)                  = 0
gettimeofday(0x08046B00)                        = 0
. the same three system calls repeated over and over

A stack backtrace on dtsession - while it's looping - is a bit more
I'd guess that dtsession tries to get the command that can be used to 
restart OOo,  but it appears dtsession does not get the expected reply
from OOo.

3# pstack -F `pgrep dtsession`
23656:  /usr/dt/bin/dtsession
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 1  --------------------
 df649689 poll     (80467d4, 3, 0)
 df65d217 select   (d, 8046908, 8046988, 8046a08, 8046ab4) + 247
 df7087d4 select   () + 64
 df860f70 _XtWaitForSomething (8089db0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0) + 14c
 df8625b2 XtAppPending (8089db0) + 15e
 08065081 WaitForCommand () + 49
 080651fe SaveYourself (0, 5800021) + fa
 0805b83a OutputState () + de
 0805b5ab SaveState (0, 4) + cf
 08063d16 ImmediateExit (4, deab62a0) + aa
 08063c3c ExitConfirmed (80dbe38, deba54e8, 8046ca0) + 24
 df84d996 XtCallCallbackList (80dbe38, deb2c0f0, 8046ca0) + 82
 df96bde6 MessageCallback (8107b68, 80dbe38, 8046cf4) + 8a
 df84d996 XtCallCallbackList (8107b68, deb2c2b0, 8046cf4) + 82
 df971c47 Activate () + e7
 df97308b ActivateCommonG () + 43
 df971a81 InputDispatch (8107b68, 8046d60, 40) + 95
 df913df0 _XmDispatchGadgetInput (8107b68, 80470d4, 40) + 254
 df914426 _XmGadgetActivate (80dbe38, 80470d4, 0, deb2aec8) + 2a
 df8763bd HandleActions () + 125
 df876c93 HandleComplexState () + 16f
 df876d28 _XtTranslateEvent (80dbe38, 80470d4) + 80
 df857639 XtDispatchEventToWidget (80dbe38, 80470d4) + 239
 df857e42 _XtDefaultDispatcher (80470d4) + 26e
 df85804b XtDispatchEvent (80470d4) + 167
 08058c5f main     (1, 8047160, 8047168) + 4eb
 08058674 ???????? ()
-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
 df64b5a8 signotifywait ()
 df6fdd6b _dynamiclwps () + 2b
-----------------  lwp# 3  --------------------------------
 df648ed8 door     (0, 0, 0, 0, df454b68, 4)
 df7045de _sc_door_func () + 5a
 df6fa180 _lwp_start () + 28
-----------------  lwp# 4  --------------------------------
 df64b453 lwp_cond_wait (df720e6c, df720e7c, df71a66c)
 df6f9076 _age     () + 8a
 df6fa180 _lwp_start () + 28
--------------------------  thread# 3  --------------------
 df6f9657 _swtch   (0) + 3b3
 df6fd051 _reap_wait (df71e318) + 49
 df6fce24 _reaper  (0, df6fcde0) + 44
 df6f79c8 _thread_start () + 34

Finally after 60 seconds, the CDE session terminates (a timeout in
when the application is unresponsive and does not answer with the startup

At this time, the OOo binary crashes with a core dump.  I had the
truss on soffice.bin running, while the CDE session was closed:

# truss -SSEGV -t\!all -p `pgrep soffice.bin`
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Received signal #14, SIGALRM, in lwp_sema_wait() [caught]
    Incurred fault #6, FLTBOUNDS  %pc = 0xDF608E82
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000
    Received signal #11, SIGSEGV [caught]
      siginfo: SIGSEGV SEGV_MAPERR addr=0x00000000

# pstack `pgrep soffice.bin` | /opt/ws70/SUNWspro/bin/c++filt
23669:  /home/OpenOffice.org1.0.1/program/soffice.bin
-----------------  lwp# 1 / thread# 8  --------------------
 df608e82 sal_XIOErrorHdl (81572f8) + 2d
 df0d0424 _XIOError (81572f8) + 30
 df0cdeec _XRead   (81572f8, 809d8a8, 20) + d8
 df0cd9d6 _XEventsQueued (81572f8, 2) + 2e6
 df0c2e9c XPending (81572f8) + 34
 dab3b7a3 void x11::SelectionManager::dispatchEvent(int) (daf06fd8,
c8) + 113
 dab3ba56 void x11::SelectionManager::run(void*) (daf06fd8) + 86
 df9b5e18 oslWorkerWrapperFunction (8158610, df9b5d69) + af
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
-----------------  lwp# 2 / thread# 2  --------------------
 def2b5a8 _signotifywait () + c
-----------------  lwp# 3 / thread# 6  --------------------
 def2bb68 accept   (c, 0, 0, 1)
 df188f98 accept   (c, 0, 0) + 20
 df9c0fa4 osl_acceptPipe (80afce8) + 24
 df980fa0 vos::OPipe::TPipeError vos::OPipe::accept(vos::OStreamPipe&)
(de3d8b0c, de3d8b20) + 20
 0806aaad void desktop::OfficeIPCThread::run() (de3d8af8) + 4d
 df97b37b void vos::_cpp_OThread_WorkerFunction(void*) (de3d8af8) + 1b
 df97b358 void _OThread_WorkerFunction(void*) (de3d8af8) + 18
 df9b5e18 oslWorkerWrapperFunction (80b05b8, df9b5d69) + af
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
-----------------  lwp# 4 / thread# 1  --------------------
 dcecdaf0 __SLIP.FINAL__D ()
 def78852 exit     (809b770) + 1a
 df0d0424 _XIOError (809b770) + 30
 df0cd67c _XFlushInt (809b770, 0) + 1bc
 df0ceba9 _XReply  (809b770, 804692c, 0, 0) + 7d
 df0c6805 XQueryTree (809b770, 5800016, 80469a4, 80469a8, 80469ac,
80469b0) + 71
 df5ec44a long SalFrameData::HandleReparentEvent(XReparentEvent*)
(daf0f898, 8046b14) + 8d
 df5ecce0 long SalFrameData::Dispatch(_XEvent*) (daf0f898, 8046b14) + 1b0
 df60ea4e long SalDisplay::Dispatch(_XEvent*) (de3d4b88, 8046b14) + 1cc
 df60e85d void SalDisplay::Yield(unsigned char) (de3d4b88, 1) + b5
 df60aa4a int DisplayYield(int,SalDisplay*) (7, de3d4b88) + 4a
 df6099eb void SalXLib::Yield(unsigned char) (de3d47b8, 1) + 9b
 df610fcb void SalInstance::Yield(unsigned char) (de3d4fb8, 1) + 2b
 df4cd1f1 void Application::Yield() () + 4a
 df4cd13e void Application::Execute() () + 2e
 08062705 void Desktop::Main() (80943d4) + 9c5
 df4cf6ff unsigned char SVMain() () + 4f
 080786e5 main     (1, 8046e7c, 8046e84) + 15
 0805d98a ???????? ()
-----------------  lwp# 5 / thread# 5  --------------------
 def2b46c lwp_sema_wait (dfb8b344)
 dfb68d84 _co_timerset (0, dfb68c2c) + 158
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
-----------------  lwp# 6 / thread# 4  --------------------
 def2b46c lwp_sema_wait (dea05e3c)
 dfb69759 _park    () + c1
 dfb6957f _swtch   (0) + 2db
 dfb6808a cond_reltimedwait (80de778, 80de788, dea05ca8) + 1d2
 dfb67eaf cond_timedwait (80de778, 80de788, dea05cf0) + 33
 dfb67e22 pthread_cond_timedwait (80de778, 80de788, dea05cf0) + 1e
 df9b2aa4 osl_waitCondition (80de778, dea05d10) + b2
 de11b1fc void store::OStorePageDaemon_Impl::run() (de3da340) + 50
 de11b55b threadFunc (de3da340) + 1b
 df9b5e18 oslWorkerWrapperFunction (80b0520, df9b5d69) + af
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
-----------------  lwp# 7  --------------------------------
 def28ed8 door     (0, 0, 0, 0, dabd4b68, 4)
 dfb745de _sc_door_func () + 5a
 dfb6a180 _lwp_start () + 28
--------------------------  thread# 3  --------------------
 dfb69657 _swtch   (0) + 3b3
 dfb6d051 _reap_wait (dfb8e318) + 49
 dfb6ce24 _reaper  (0, dfb6cde0) + 44
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
--------------------------  thread# 7  --------------------
 dfb69657 _swtch   (0) + 3b3
 dfb6808a cond_reltimedwait (8156378, 8156388, de702c70) + 1d2
 dfb67eaf cond_timedwait (8156378, 8156388, de702cb8) + 33
 dfb67e22 pthread_cond_timedwait (8156378, 8156388, de702cb8) + 1e
 df9b2aa4 osl_waitCondition (8156378, de702cf8) + b2
 df974b0e vos::ICondition::TResult vos::OCondition::wait(const
TimeValue*) (dafac0cc, de702cf8) + 1e
 df97ec28 void vos::OTimerManager::run() (dafac0a8) + 9a
 df97b37b void vos::_cpp_OThread_WorkerFunction(void*) (dafac0a8) + 1b
 df97b358 void _OThread_WorkerFunction(void*) (dafac0a8) + 18
 df9b5e18 oslWorkerWrapperFunction (81563b0, df9b5d69) + af
 dfb679c8 _thread_start () + 34
Comment 6 jkeil 2002-08-29 11:31:09 UTC
Here's an alternate way to reproduce the issue (instead of logging out
the CDE session):

1. start OOo 1.0.1

2. run 'dtstyle',  click on 'Startup' and "Set Home Session..." button
in the
   'Startup' window.

There'll be a 60 seconds delay with a busy cursor, while the home
session is
saved.  dtsession consumes 100% of the cpu time during this 60 second

Apparently the issue is caused by the "DefaultWindow", which is
created when
a window is need, but the application's main window is not ready yet.
(See method |Window* ImplGetDefaultWindow()| in 

This "DefaultWindow" is never mapped on the screen,  but it is registered
to implement the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF window protocol.  It seems, CDE
tries to get
the WM_COMMAND for all windows that register the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
even when they are unmapped.  Problem is the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
apparently fails
for unmapped windows, because the session manager program does not get the
necessary property change event for the WM_COMMAND property of the


After starting OOo 1.0.1,  an empty text editor window is opened and the
following windows are registered on the X11 server:

% xlswins -l | grep Sal
3:        0x6800017  (unbenannt1 - 1.0.1 );
(VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    906x1055+0+0  +673+45
1:    0x6800016  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    1600x1280+0+0  +0+0
1:    0x680001f  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    662x225+469+527 
1:    0x6800020  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    134x38+733+621 
1:    0x6800021  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    120x38+740+621 
1:    0x6800022  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    48x157+776+561 
1:    0x6800069  (); (VCLSalFrame)(VCLSalFrame)    12x27+794+626  +794+626

The "DefaultWindow" is the one with the XWIN ID 0x6800016 in the above
list, and can be identified by it's size and position (full screen size
"1600x1280", top left corner +0+0).

This window has registered for the WM_PROTOCOLS "WM_SAVE_YOURSELF":

% xprop -id 0x6800016
_MOTIF_WM_HINTS(_MOTIF_WM_HINTS) = 0x7, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0
WM_CLIENT_LEADER(WINDOW): window id # 0x6800002
WM_CLASS(STRING) = "VCLSalFrame", "VCLSalFrame"
                Client accepts input or input focus: True
                bitmap id # to use for icon: 0x680000c
                window id # of group leader: 0x0

And it is unmapped:

% xwininfo -id 0x6800016

xwininfo: Window id: 0x6800016 (has no name)

  Absolute upper-left X:  0
  Absolute upper-left Y:  0
  Relative upper-left X:  0
  Relative upper-left Y:  0
  Width: 1600
  Height: 1280
  Depth: 24
  Visual Class: TrueColor
  Border width: 0
  Class: InputOutput
  Colormap: 0x6800001 (installed)
  Bit Gravity State: ForgetGravity
  Window Gravity State: NorthWestGravity
  Backing Store State: NotUseful
  Save Under State: no
  Map State: IsUnMapped				<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
  Override Redirect State: yes
  Corners:  +0+0  -0+0  -0-0  +0-0
  -geometry 1600x1280+0+0
Comment 7 jkeil 2002-08-30 14:32:05 UTC
Correction to previous comment:

The WM_SAVE_YOURSELF atom set on the WM_PROTOCOLS property on an
unmapped window is not necessarily a problem.

The real problem is that OOo adds the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF atom to the
WM_PROTOCOLS property of all of it's |SalFrame| top level windows,
but later on, when it receives a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message it
only answers it for exactly one |SalFrame| and ignores it for all
other SalFrames.

Apparently, dtsession tries to get the restart command for all top
level frames that participate in the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol,  and
this fails for all but one of OOo's frames.  Each frame that fails to
return the WM_COMMAND during a WM_SAVE_YOURSELF client message adds
another ten second delay (=timeout in dtsession).  Since there are
seven top level windows when OOo is started and an empty text editor
window is displayed, I get 6*10seconds of delay and one frame without
a delay ==> dtsession uses 60 seconds for the session save operation.


According to the dtsession(1X) man page on solaris ...

The ICCCM Session Management Protocol
  Applications that wish to save their state can take part  in
  the  WM_SAVE_YOURSELF  protocol.  To do this, an application
  needs to set the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF property on one  and  only
  one  of  its  top-level  windows.


So, I'd say it's a bug that OOo sets the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF atom
on all of it's top level windows.

I'll attach a patch to vcl/unx/source/window/salframe.cxx that 
sets WM_SAVE_YOURSELF to only one of OOo's top level windows.
When this top level window is deleted,  I move the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF
atom to another top level window (in case there are still any top
level windows left).

With this patch installed, the 60 seconds dtsession delay at CDE
logout or when saving the "Home session" from dtstyle is gone;
saving the CDE session when OOo is running consumes no significant
time any more (< 1 second).


On question remains:  do we need the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF stuff at all?

dtsession is able to extract the startup command from the
WM_CLIENT_LEADER window anyway.  For that reason, when the X11
session is saved with dtsession I get *two* soffice commands
in ~/.dt/sessions/{session-name}/dt.session:

% grep soffice ~/.dt/sessions/home/dt.session
dtsmcmd -hints "-geometry 16x16+0+0 -state NormalState -cmd \"/bin/sh
/home/OpenOffice.org1.0.1/program/soffice \"" -screen 0 -cmd "/bin/sh
dtsmcmd -hints "-geometry 995x1021+599+33 -state IconicState
-workspaces \"ws0 \" -cmd \"/bin/sh
/home/OpenOffice.org1.0.1/program/soffice \"" -screen 0 -cmd "/bin/sh

The first "soffice" command is apparently extracted from the
WM_COMMAND of the WM_CLIENT_LEADER window, and the second is obtained
via the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol.
Comment 8 jkeil 2002-08-30 14:33:38 UTC
Created attachment 2637 [details]
patch to set WM_SAVE_YOURSELF on only one SalFrame top level window
Comment 9 Martin Hollmichel 2002-10-23 06:53:08 UTC
mh->cp: can you please review ?!
Comment 10 falko.tesch 2003-01-27 08:52:38 UTC
??? What am I gonna do with it? :o)
Comment 11 christof.pintaske 2003-01-27 09:09:53 UTC
cp->pl: please have a look at it. 
Comment 12 philipp.lohmann 2003-01-27 10:16:57 UTC
Some remarks: OOo sets WM_SAVE_YOURESELF on all its top level windows
because there is not necessarily a top level window that lives through
its whole lifetime. But since dtsession insists on restarting one
instance of OOo for each top level window it sees at the time of an
actual WM_SAVE_YOURSELF happening OOo deletes the WM_COMMAND
properties on all of its top level windows but one.

Contrary to the quotation above the actual ICCCM standard (version
2.0) states explicitly: "Clients that want to be warned when the
session manager feels that they should save  their internal state (for
example, when termination impends) should include the atom
WM_SAVE_YOURSELF in the WM_PROTOCOLS property on their top-level
windows to participate in the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol".
And further down: "Irrespective of how they are arranged in window
groups, clients with multiple top-level windows should ensure the
following: - Only one of their top-level windows has a nonzero-length
WM_COMMAND property. - They respond to a WM_SAVEYOURSELF message by:
First, updating the nonzero-length WM_COMMAND property, if necessary.
Second, updating the WM_COMMAND property on the window for which they
received the WM_SAVE_YOURSELF message if it was not updated in the
first step"

So IMHO if dtsession is implemented they way stated earlier it
actually violates the standard. Still, since WM_SAVE_YOURSELF protocol
is outdated anyway (one should use SM extension nowadays), we should
build in a workaround for dtsession anyway; i hope this will not break
WindowMaker or other WMs that rely on the old session management
style. I'll try whether it is sufficient if the default window
supports WM_SAVE_YOURSELF although it is never mapped. If that is not
possible I'll apply your patch; thank you for supplying it.
Comment 13 philipp.lohmann 2003-02-18 19:33:41 UTC
fixed in CWS basetech01
Comment 14 philipp.lohmann 2003-02-19 17:17:04 UTC
Comment 15 philipp.lohmann 2003-02-19 17:17:26 UTC
Comment 16 philipp.lohmann 2003-02-19 17:17:43 UTC
fixed in basetech01
Comment 17 ulf.stroehler 2003-02-20 18:06:14 UTC
verified in basetech01.
Comment 18 michael.bemmer 2003-03-13 11:13:06 UTC
As mentioned on the qa dev list on March 5th I will close all resolved
<wontfix/duplicate/worksforme/invalid> issues. Please see this posting for details.