Issue 25227

Summary: Mac OS PowerPoint is crashing if loading exported ppt document
Product: Impress Reporter: heywood <heywoodj123>
Component: codeAssignee: AOO issues mailing list <issues>
Status: REOPENED --- QA Contact:
Severity: Trivial    
Priority: P3 CC: a.jaffe, issues, rvojta
Version: OOo 1.1Keywords: needmoreinfo, oooqa
Target Milestone: ---   
Hardware: All   
OS: Mac OS X, all   
Issue Type: DEFECT Latest Confirmation in: ---
Developer Difficulty: ---
Description Flags
Original OOo Impress file
Detailed summary and system info
PPT 2000 reporting unknown fileformat
original sample document exported by OOo1.1.1b
zip archive containing all metafiles from the original PowerPoint document
Exported OO1.1 document that crashes MacOS PPT v.X none

Description heywood 2004-02-08 20:49:37 UTC
The Impress presentation attached to this issue causes a consistent, repeatable
crash with some recent versions of PowerPoint running on Windows and MacOS.
Additionally, on several other PPT/OS combinations, the file opens but is
significantly mangled.

This problem appears regardless of whether the export is done from OOo running
on Windows, Mac, or Linux.

A detailed description (plain text), including build numbers and system details,
is attached.

The most closely related issues appear to be 8978, 9250, 17122, 19455, and
22657, but none of those exactly matches what I'm seeing. My apologies in
advance if this is, in fact, a duplicate.

Because I am only a submitter and not a developer, I've left this at the default
priority (P3). But if this is reproducible on the latest betas, I would
respectfully suggest it be raised -- since interoperability is arguably the main
reason for having OOo in the first place, this bug (which prevents that
interoperability) would be a real show-stopper.
Comment 1 heywood 2004-02-08 20:52:18 UTC
Created attachment 12975 [details]
Original OOo Impress file
Comment 2 heywood 2004-02-08 20:58:29 UTC
Created attachment 12976 [details]
Detailed summary and system info
Comment 3 wolframgarten 2004-02-09 07:52:17 UTC
Reassigned to Christian.
Comment 4 heywood 2004-02-11 07:06:54 UTC
Tracked down the correct system info for case (3) in the summary attached above.

- Operating system is WinXPPro (*not* Win2KPro as I said in the summary),
version 2002, Service Pack 1, 5.1.2600 (build 2600).

- PowerPoint is PPT 2002, build 10.2623.2625.

- Behavior is correct as described (PPT crashes completely when trying to open
the Impress presentation attached above).
Comment 5 flibby05 2004-02-11 16:39:56 UTC
WFM, however using PPT 2000, not 2002..

detailed description follows:

- Win98 SE German, Build 4.10.2222 A
- MS Powerpoint __2000__ SR1 9.0.3821 German Version

- OOo1.1.1b official windows build

1) Opened file OOo1.1.0_PPT_export_problem.sxi in OOo
2) Get dialog as: ".. This document contains macros: do you want to run them?..
" - Do Not run
2) Export as ppt-document from OOo
3) Open with MS Powerpoint 2000 SR1 9.0.3821 German Version
4) "Friendly Assistant" reports unknown file format (see attached screenshot)
5) Click Ok - Exit PowerPoint - No Crash

Also attaching PPT-document generated by OO1.1.1b during this procedure.

-> @Heywood: Maybe you can try this document with your PPT 2002?
Comment 6 flibby05 2004-02-11 16:41:02 UTC
Created attachment 13061 [details]
PPT 2000 reporting unknown fileformat
Comment 7 flibby05 2004-02-11 16:42:13 UTC
Created attachment 13062 [details]
original sample document exported by OOo1.1.1b
Comment 8 heywood 2004-02-11 20:21:59 UTC
Max: Your observations are nearly consistent with what I wrote in my summary.

The only significant difference is in my case (4): for me, PPT 2000 SR-1 under
WIN2KPro SP4 (Build: 2195) opens but with the problems noted; for you, PPT 2000
SR-1 under Win98SE doesn't open at all. But I didn't get a crash for that
combination, and neither did you.

When I open your exported (to PPT) document with OO 1.1.0, I see the exact same
problems I described in my "sanity check" case (7).

For what it's worth, I verified everything with 1.1.1b and saw no changes from
what I reported earlier. (There are other issues with build 680m22, but I
haven't investigated those fully yet.)
Comment 9 christian.guenther 2004-02-13 16:25:19 UTC
I see the bug in the attached document but I can't reproduce the bug with an own
PPT2002 crash while loading the file
- don't show me the content of slide 4, 19, 23, 24- slide 6 exists several times
in the outline.
- some metafiles are invisible.
Please have a look.
Comment 10 tompro 2004-03-10 04:08:06 UTC
I have encountered exactly this same problem with PPT files generated on Mac (OS X 10.2) and Pc 
(XP), trying to open them on both platforms.

I am interested in getting this working for my own purposes, and wanted to help in any way I can. I 
have the PPT97 documentation from MS, but it seems to differ from both the format being output 
by current versions of powerpoint (even when saving as PPT97 format), and the code that is in use 
in OpenOffice already. Also their example code disagrees with their documentation, so the whole 
thing seems pretty much useless.

I really need to get a solution that works in the next couple of weeks, and am prepared to help if I 
can - I could work on this pretty much full time for the next couple of weeks maximum, if I know 
what had changed between the old and new file format.

Before finding the OpenOffice implementation, I was part way through doing an implementation in 
Objective-C, but was finding the differences between the MS documentation and the actual file 
format a real problem in the implementation.

Please let me know if it is feasible to get this issue resolved that quickly, and if there is anything I 
can do to assist the process. My primary operating system is OS X, but I also have a win XP 
machine that I could use if necessary. I am fluent in Objective-C and Java and have had a small 
amount of exposure to C++ (hopefully enough to understand most of what's going on with the 
PPT exporter and make alterations as required).

If it is not feasible to resolve it in that timeframe, I'll carry on with my C/Obj-C program.

Comment 11 sven.jacobi 2004-03-10 09:31:57 UTC
SJ->Heywood: First I must thank you for your good bug description. But I must
point out that I do not have a Mac and this makes it a little bit difficult for
me to figure out the reason for the crash.

But anyhow you said that some pages are completely empty if loaded in PowerPoint
2000, I was able to reproduce this and I hope that fixing this Issue will
resolve the problems for the other Windows PowerPoint versions.

I appreciate that you offer to help out, especially you are working primary on
OS X makes it very helpful.

Heywood said that MacOS is crashing while converting metafiles, this seems to be
a second bug, can you please verify this, I will add a zip file containing all
metafiles from the original PowerPoint document. I need to know if each Metafile
is crashing the MacOS version or if it is a certain kind of Metafile. I also
need to know if simple documents (not containing OLE and too much objects)
created by OOo load properly on MacOS.

And you are right, the original PowerPoint file format description is containing
 some small untruths.
Comment 12 sven.jacobi 2004-03-10 09:35:56 UTC
Created attachment 13684 [details]
zip archive containing all metafiles from the original PowerPoint document
Comment 13 sven.jacobi 2004-03-10 10:48:20 UTC
SJ->maxweber: PPT can not open documents that are already opened by another
application, I think this was your problem.

SJ: I split this issue, the problem that empty pages are displayed by PPT 2000
or that the PPT XP version crashes will be fixed with Issue 26286 which I
targeted to OOo 2.0. I also found the reason for the crash and empty pages, it
is the disability of PPT to display grouped presentation objects (objects that
are part of the layout). Feel free to insert a CC to get further notioes.

Up from now this Issue will handle only the problem the Mac OS PowerPoint
version is having with ppt documents exported by OOo, therefore I changed the title.
Comment 14 tompro 2004-03-11 04:30:09 UTC
I have tried opening all of those WMF files in PPT, and none of them cause a crash (some of them come 
up blank though).

I have done some more testing and it appears that the problem I was having on windows was due to the 
fact that I still had the presentation open in OO. The problem is not related to any graphics on slides. I 
have tried with the following procedure (as well as with files with some data in them):
1. Create an empty presentation
2. Select a blank slide
3. Save as powerpoint format
4. Try to open in PPT -> crash
I have tried creating the files on OSX using OO1.0.3 and creating them on Win XP using OO1.1.0, and in 
both situations, the resultant files open fine on Windows, but not on the Mac.

I have started to try to get my head around the file format, and one thing that is looking suspicious to 
me is the offset to the current edit in the current user record - but maybe I'm missing something there.

I was wondering whether you could help me understand some specific things I have come across while 
trying to come to terms with the file format:
1. It looks like all the atoms have to be padded to make them align to 32 byte boundaries - is this 
2. In the current user atom, it appears that the user name has an 8 tacked on to the end of it - what is 
this for? I also notice that you put padding in before the user name - is this necessary?
3. I don't quite understand the documentation for container lengths - is a container length determined 
by: sum(size of each atom including header) + (number of container objects inside this container * 
sizeof(Header)) + sizeof(Header for this container)? Or are some of these items left out?
4. In the user edit atom, where does the 0x03000dbc come from for the version number?
5. I don't get the offsetPersistDirectory and maxPersistWritten values and the PersistPtrIncrementalBlock 
- it looks to me like you keep track of positions of the atoms within the document stream, then write 
them out in a block at the end of the stream just before the current user edit record. But it doesn't look 
like the values that are recorded are always at the start of the record, or at the end. This one has me 
more confused than anything else I have looked at so far. I gather that when the docs refer to 
document and slide ids or numbers, these are references into this table - is this correct?
6. I notice that you pad the user edit atom with 0x12 - is there any significance to this?
7. I'm not sure that I understand the relationship between placeholders and the actual text and other 
objects on the slides. I guess I'll get to this when I understand the rest...
8. I don't understand what goes into the pictures stream and how the items there are referenced for 
placement on the slides.

Sorry about all the questions, but I would like to get up to speed as quickly as possible so that 
hopefully I can help resolving the mac ppt problem, and also accomplish my own goal, which is to be 
able to programmatically create a presentation with:
- a slide with an image on it
- slides with titles and indented bulleted text in specified fonts (must be able to handle unicode text)
- slides with quicktime movies on them.


Comment 15 heywood 2004-03-11 21:07:08 UTC
SJ-> I am not a programmer so I can't help much with coding, but I have a
Powerbook with 10.3.2 and Apple X11, so I would be happy to test/validate any
patches or fixes as they become available.

tompro-> Note that the MacOS crash during metafile conversion (after opening the
document) occurs on MacOS 9.2.2 and PPT 98 only. With PPT X on Mac OS 10.3.2, it
just crashes without opening anything.

SJ and tompro-> Kudos for all your hard work so far -- of course one cannot
expect an immediate fix for something this complicated, but it looks like you
guys are making significant progress. I will keep an eye on issue 26286 as well.
Comment 16 jaffe 2004-03-17 11:30:38 UTC
I have similar but perhaps not identical problems. 

Almost all of my OO1.1 presentations (from any OS) open fine with Powerpoint
2002, but crash when loaded into MacOS X Powerpoint v.X. 

I *think* (but can no longer confirm) that this problem manifested itself only
after updating from Office v.X version 10.0 to the latest 10.0.5.

I have found a workaround: since my documents load fine under Windows PPT 2002,
if I save them there, I can then open them under MacOS.

For what it's worth, most of these documents were originally created under Linux.

I haven't yet tried to zero in on the problem. I certainly do use grouped
objects. In addition, I also use unicode fonts which I know v.X doesn't support.

For 'fun', I will upload my own failing document...
Comment 17 jaffe 2004-03-17 11:31:53 UTC
Created attachment 13874 [details]
Exported OO1.1 document that crashes MacOS PPT v.X
Comment 18 heywood 2004-03-19 19:10:19 UTC
heywood->jaffe: can you try exporting my original OOo Impress file (first
attachment at top) to PPT and seeing if it crashes in your setup, with both PPT
2002 (on Win? i can't tell from your post...) and v.X on Mac?

if it doesn't crash, then something is wrong on my end. on the other hand, if it
does, but most of your presentations work OK, then it must be something in my
presentation that is causing the problem. in that case, it may also make sense
to post the additional information to issue 26286, which is where the Windows
side of this problem was split off.
Comment 19 jaffe 2004-03-22 14:50:33 UTC
jaffe -> heywood (and others)

Here is the behavior I get with the original OOo Impress file:

original file   -- reads fine under Impress
create OOo1.1.ppt -- saved from OO1.1 .sxi on OSX
         crashes WinXP PPT  [this is new behavior, I think]
	 crashes OSX PPT
create OOo_sxi.1.1.ppt -- saved from OO1.1.ppt using OO on WinXP
         readable by WinXP PPT
	 crashes OSX PPT

create Oo_sxi.1.1_PC.ppt -- saved from OOo_sxi.1.1.ppt using WinXP PPT
         readable by WinXP PPT
	 readable by OSX PPT

So -- except for the XP crash of the first ppt file, this is the same as I had been seeing. And at least 
there is a workaround -- the final version is readable on all machines and OSs.
Comment 20 heywood 2004-03-22 16:46:36 UTC

Thanks for taking the time to check all the cases.

> create OOo1.1.ppt -- saved from OO1.1 .sxi on OSX
>        crashes WinXP PPT  [this is new behavior, I think]
> 	 crashes OSX PPT

This is exactly what I saw -- take a look at my summary (second attachment,
above), cases 1 and 2, respectively.

For your other two cases, essentially the workaround is to use OOo and/or PPT on
a Windows box, which is OK provided the export from OO doesn't significantly
mess up the appearance of any slides. Unfortunately this doesn't work for me
without quite a bit of manual "fixing" on the exported (to PPT) document (see
cases 4, 6, and 7 in the summary). Also, this workaround implicitly requires a
PPT->OO import step, but that is also problematic for some documents (see issue

Cheers -H
Comment 21 sven.jacobi 2005-05-26 13:45:14 UTC
changed target
Comment 22 shaunmcdonald131 2007-03-12 22:09:32 UTC
marking as duplicate

*** This issue has been marked as a duplicate of 72571 ***
Comment 23 shaunmcdonald131 2007-03-12 22:15:42 UTC
marked the wrong issue as duplicate, so reopening.

It should be checked with 2.2rc3 or later to see if the problem
still exists.
Comment 24 rvojta 2009-01-26 08:02:53 UTC
Heywood, can you test this issue with 3.0? Export filters contains lot of
changes and I expect it should work now. Thanks.
Comment 25 heywood 2009-01-26 09:31:43 UTC
Glad to try it. One question -- the original bug was reported against OOo
running under Apple's X11 on Panther. I have Tiger now (and no easy way to
revert to 10.3 for testing, though I assume that's not too critical) and, more
importantly, only OOo 3.0 Aqua installed. Does this matter?
Comment 26 rvojta 2009-01-26 10:45:55 UTC
No, it doesn't matter. Please, test it with latest Aqua build (3.0). If it will
work for you, we can close this issue. I'm cleaning old issues ...