Back to issue 5072

Who When What Removed Added
oooqa 2002-07-16 06:31:41 UTC Keywords oooqa
CC prgmgr
eric.savary 2003-04-13 12:51:41 UTC Status UNCONFIRMED NEW
Target Milestone --- OOo 2.0
Ever confirmed 1
eric.savary 2003-04-13 12:52:09 UTC Assignee sba bh
bettina.haberer 2003-10-15 14:58:14 UTC Assignee bh ama
Summary table with merged cells behiavoir Aligning column widths of merged cells problematic
andreas.martens 2003-11-05 16:46:30 UTC Target Milestone OOo 2.0 OOo Later
Assignee ama bh
bettina.haberer 2010-05-21 15:14:01 UTC Assignee bh requirements
robweir 2013-02-07 22:20:05 UTC QA Contact issues
robweir 2013-02-07 22:43:12 UTC Assignee requirements issues
robweir 2013-08-07 14:38:26 UTC Target Milestone AOO PleaseHelp ---

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