Votes Issue # Summary
Calc (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 5560 Add possibility to change color of sheet labels (tabs) (Show Votes)
1 10864 Border/Backgroundcolor button on toolbar is not 'sticky' (Show Votes)
1 40778 Calc cell formatting buttons (font & bground colour) not 'sticky' (Show Votes)
3 votes used out of 5 allowed.

General (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 67518 Improve the user interface for series, chart selection, giving more control (Show Votes)
1 112141 Reintroduce color codes for mime type icons (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

ui (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 43595 Please complete implementation of OOo 2 GUI in OOo 3.0 (Show Votes)
1 63996 Restore option "Colored tab controls" (Show Votes)
2 votes used out of 5 allowed.

Writer (issue list) (Note: only 2 votes allowed per issue in this product.)
1 1601 Provide change case for: Toggle case, First Letter Capitalized and Sentence case (Show Votes)
1 15379 Add ability to resize inserted pics (save pics with reduced resolution) (Show Votes)
1 28016 add default shortcuts to increase/decrease font size (Show Votes)
3 votes used out of 5 allowed.

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