DicOOo Architecture Notes 04/09/2003 DicOOo installs languages specific components It is based on various list files and zip packages Here are some guidelines spell.txt same structure as http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/available.lst fr,FR,fr_FR,French (France),fr_FR.zip fields 1. language 2. country 3. language_country 4. Label 5. Archive name hyph.txt same structure as http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/hyphavail.lst fr,FR,hyph_fr,French (France),hyph_fr.zip fields 1. language 2. country 3. hyph_language_country 4. Label 5. Archive name thes.txt same structure as http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/hyphavail.lst fr,FR,th_fr_FR,French (France),thes_fr_FR.zip fields 1. language 2. country 3. th_language_country 4. Label 5. Archive name Language specific Zip files contains Spellchecker field3.aff field3.dic README_field3.txt other files are ignored - Should merge remaining files to the README_ Hyphenation field3.dic README_field3.txt other files are ignored - Should merge remaining files to the README_ Thesaurus field3.dat field3.idx README_field3.txt other files are ignored - Should merge remaining files to the README_ version.txt Used for dynamic DicOOo update and connection validation 2 lines only - DicOOo current version - DicOOo file name according to current version - The file must exists on mirror LangPack for off-line version One « Big » zip file containing specifics spell.txt, hyph.txt, thes.txt Zip files related to txt files Since Beta5.1, DicOOo can be started in off-line mode by default. There are only two constants in the beginning of the LangPack module to change StartOffLine=0 (1/0 Activate/Deactivate on startup) NomPackLang="PackName.zip" (Must be in same directory than SXW file)